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Acalla P.O.V 

Myrian had been training Acalla from the time their father had died until now. He thought it was important to be able to defend yourself. 

Although Myrian didn't quite believe females were deserving enough to learn to fight, he had followed their father's footsteps in that regard. 

Their father had taught their mother to fight. Little things. 

Like how to down a male twice your size if he ever had his arms around you. 

You throw your elbow up and flip him over your shoulder using his energy. Their mother had done it a couple of times to the men when they tried to get handsy. 

At first, Acalla hated the idea, but as the years went by she actually accepted the work. It was an out from the horrifying world that was the kitchens sometimes. 

She could get strong. Maybe even strong enough to leave the camp. She hadn't told her brother that bit of information. He would lock her in the house and never let her leave. Just like their father had done to their mother. 

Well before they died. 

When their father had died, General Cassian himself had shown up at their door and gave his deepest condolences. 

He had seemed very torn up about Glanduil's death. He had barely even been able to get the words out. Myrian had walked away upon opening the door. 

Acalla had to sit and listen to Cassian tell of her father's death. It had been excruciating. 

Acalla had been completely lost. She didn't leave her house or even some days her rooms. She didn't feel sadness for their father, just at peace with the reunion of her parents. 

She did feel some fear. If their father had been brutal, Myrian was sadistic. Glanduil was traditional, yes, but Myrian thought that breaking tradition should result in death. Not even Glanduil believed that. 

Although, Myrian had dealt with his death differently than she would've expected. 

Her brother had lost himself on the battlefield. Taking up a spot in Cassian's legion, he'd let out his rage and despair on the enemies of the kingdom.

Finally, she had picked herself up and continued on with her life. When her brother had returned from the war he had insisted on training her himself. Saying it was what their father would have wanted. 

For many years, she didn't believe that he had gotten over what had happened, but he had insisted he was.

For years they had trained and she had learned the ways to kill males. To keep herself safe. To get out of the hellhole that was that camp. She wanted to leave. She needed to leave. To find that hidden city people sometimes whispered about. Velaris. 

She had heard about people making dreams into reality there but she had never seen it on a map. There was no way it existed. 

And even if it did, there was no way she would be able to make it. She was just a cook or so she thought.

It was around the time the males did the Rite. She had made enough food to feed the entire Illyrian army but the males were still not back. The females were gossiping in a circle to her right. 

About the killing power. About who had the most. About who would get their Siphons. All of it. 

Once she had heard a story that the killing power Illyrians had, didn't come to females.

How could it? Females were insignificant in the Illyrian traditions. 

She didn't know how or why, but one day it just did. It came to her and she had the power of the earth in her hands. The power to twist the world to her will. 

So I updated this chapter. I am kind of going along and making changes to each chapter. Making them fit with the later chapters more and making sure all the family details line up because I don't think they did. At first, dad was loving, and then like chapter 5 he wasn't. So just getting all my ducks in a row. 

And it's longer now too. This chapter was 266 words when I started. Ughh. So short. But I hope you guys like it. Thank you for the continued love and support for this book. I love you guys. 

I updated this chapter again, just to fix some minor grammar issues and make the story flow better. Plot holes and that stuff. 

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