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As the Chairman of Gukil Medical Center had entered Yoora's house, what will be their conversation? Didn't expected that her manager,seniors,juniors,Bang-PD-nim and her famiky would also be there.

Who would freaking expect that the Chairman of Gukil Medical Center ( Gu Hye-kyoo ) would sit on your couch! In your house?! Him entering,seeing you wearing some comfy clothes,wearing glasses,and holding a nueroscience book! Like you literally have 45 of them! And already memorized every page! Who would expect things like i am experiencing right now! I mean,i totally excused myself then rushed to my room to change! And when i got back i was so surprised that Mr.Gu was in my library! And he just saw all of my neuroscience books and stuff!


- " Miss Ahn,at yesterday's yesterday,i went to Seoul International School. I was looking for students who graduated from B.N.M. who tooked med class for 8 years and practiced in a hospital for 2 years. And i did found one record that is totally worth it of being my neurosurgery departments's head...You"

I heard that right? Right?! Me! I am gonna collapse,how can i be a neurosurgeon in the same time being an idol and actress! How? I already have so much responsibility and work to do! But...this opportunity...i can't let it go too,this is the opportunity that i have waited for 10 years. Me,becoming a dream since i was a kid,my grandparents dream too for me. I am so loading right now,i can't decide if i'll agree or not. Well,i need everyone's opinion here. I can't decide by myself!


- " Mr.Gu,this is a very huge opportunity,but...i can't decide qith just by myself,this decition is so heavy to decide. *whisper* everyone,please give me some of your opinions!"


- "Yoora,since you started being a trainee i always here you everyday from your room with your co-trainees that you always want to be a neurosurgeon. You cannot be serious of not agreeing to this opportunity"

My manager

- "I cannot agree more to PD-nim Yoora. And anyways,Bang-PD already agreed to this idea. You will be the first idol in history that will be an idol,actress and neurosurgeon in the same time"

Yoora's parents

- "Darling,you'll lose nothing if you'll just agree. We will always support you and will always be proud of you."


- "C'mon Yoora,i will give you a good beating if you'll not say yes. Yoi know i am joking. Don't tell me your gonna trash off this opportunity? And--"


- "And sis,remember? I also work there,in the hospital,and is just in the general surgery departmentm i can just visit you. We will be together. We will support eachother. And help eachother. Don't you want that?"


- "Sis,whatever you decide we're always staying by your side it's up yo you"


- "Yoora,your totally trending in twitter right now #QueenofKpopNeuYoora. Even your fans and multifandoms is waiting for your answer"


- "Sunbaenim...we know this is the last dream you have that you didn't letted to come true yet"


- "Yoora,we had said all you have to hear just to decide. Agree,you must. All the reasons that you need to agree is already said. Yoora,Mr.Gu totally meant what he said. Yesterday,his assistant texted all of us that he wanted you to be the head. So now,what's yiur decition?"


𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝓞𝓯  𝕂-ℙ𝕆ℙ ( 𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 1 ) 𝗕𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗶𝘁 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗶𝘀𝘁유인Where stories live. Discover now