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"Rogue?" Danny turned. "Who's Rogue?"

"An ancient assassin." Clockwork set his jaw, still fixated on the window. "She was once sent to dispatch Pariah Dark, and almost succeeded. Pariah had her locked away for all eternity, and Walker just built up his prison around hers." He examined the wide portal that had taken over almost the entire sky. "Those fools must have ripped a hole into the Ghost Zone right into the core of Walker's prison. She escaped through there."

"Well..." The telltale silver ring slid over Danny's form. "If Pariah Dark beat her, I can too. This won't be a problem."

"Wait." Clockwork caught his hand before he phased through the window. "Look."

Rogue had turned and flicked her wrist. A massive vine burst from the ground in response, coiling around a nearby building.

"So Undergrowth's powers." Danny frowned. "I've beat them before, I'll beat them again."

"Keep looking." Clockwork pointed.

Rogue smiled and clapped her hands. The sound resonated, the sound wave hitting the vine-covered building and powdering its outside brick.

"Wait. Ember too?"

"Yes." Clockwork closed his eyes. "As well as Technus."

"How is that possible?"

"Rogue is no ordinary ghost." Clockwork set his jaw. "She's a mimic."

"As in a power copier?" Sam stepped up behind them, away from Tucker, Dan, and Dani, who remained in stunned silence scattered around the apartment's living room.

Clockwork shook his head. "As in a power thief. Ember, Technus, and Undergrowth were all locked in Walker's prison with her. They were attacked when she was freed, and are lying powerless in the prison as we speak."

"That's horrible." Dani leaned over the couch. "We need to kick her butt before she takes anyone else's power."

"You're right." Danny straightened. "Or... Clockwork, this is catastrophic. Can't you rewind time a bit, so that we can defeat the Dofuses in White before this becomes a problem?"

"I'm sorry, Danny, but I can't. They are human and belong to this world. I can't affect anything they do." He hesitated. "And you must be careful and not let her near you. She'll take your powers."

"This isn't good." Danny turned. "What do we do?"

Tucker stepped forward, flicking through the notes on his PDA. "Well, maybe we can't go back in time, but we can go see the Guys in White and try to get them to fix this."

"You think they can fix this?" Sam raised her eyebrows. "I doubt they understand how they did it to begin with."

"It's worth a shot." Danny stepped to their sides. "Because not only do we have a ghost assassin on the loose, Walker's entire army of goons is out looking for her too. Who knows what they'll do to Amity Park?"

"Yeah." Tucker gestured. "The signal's coming from that way, by that abandoned hospital Spectra used." He shuddered. "Just had to be a hospital."

"You've saved the world more than once, Tuck. Hospitals shouldn't be a problem." Sam clapped him on the back. "Now let's go, before Rogue gets any other ideas."

"One last thing." Clockwork grabbed Danny's shoulder. "There is a very unnerving turn of events that could happen, and it would result in catastrophe." He pointed to the Fenton thermos on Sam's belt. "I need you to go in one of those."

"What?" they chorused.

"Are you asking to get sucked into a thermos?" Danny gestured. "Why? And it's really not comfortable in there, trust me. Make sure you think this through."

Portals 2: A Thief's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now