I promise

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Months pasted and A was slowly recovering. After many middle of the nightmares and sleeping with B, life was finally getting back to the crime fighting war they called normality. Well, it was...

Screams could be heard from all around. Hitting a criminal with a chipped, wooden bat, A made his way down the all familiar street with the Apollo Legion by his side. Then he saw a face he dreaded to see, who he had promised himself he would never see again. Villain, standing on a pile of burnt rumble.

"Well, if it isn't A, how are the broken bones?" He didn't reply. His situation is a lot more humiliating than it sounds. Only B and C knew about the 'incident' as no-one else in the legion knew. So while this statement angered B and made A grab his small bat tighter, it made the rest of the team confused and slightly nervous.

"What broken bones, A? What are they talking about?" F finally piped up, much to the enjoyment of Villain.

"They don't know?! I expected more from you, A."

"A?!?" His nervous hands gripped the bat, avoiding Villain's petyrifing, laughing gaze. A felt his face burn with shame. It was like a volcano had decided to pick that exact moment to errupt all over his face, revealing his shame and confirming to the other heroes that A knew what they were talking about. Only B noticed the way A's hands gripped onto his bat like it was a matter of life and death. Only B noticed that A was swaying slightly, presumably from the anxiety of truth.

Villain obviously took no time in explaining the events of the last month, in great detail I might add. Every sentance brought another gasp from the listening team, another nervous glance at A from B and another shade darker of red for A. Wanting the ground to swallow him whole, A took little pleasure from having his trama, his pleas for help, his darkest demons revealed on the crime-ridden streets of downtown New York. Villain, on the other evil hand, took great pleasure to revealing that A wasn't as always saving the city, that he didn't always defeat the villain. They took extreme pleasure in revealing that evil had triumphed over good. Strangers and friends alike gathered around to listen the embarrassment, much to A's dismay.

Something clicked in B's brain; this isn't how teams work. A team was meant to support and comfort each other, not stand around gawking while one of them is being publicly humiliated. Making up his mind only took a second, it was the right thing to do. B rushed over A, who was staring at the concerte and looked like he was on the verge of tears. Picking A up in a bridal fashion, he carried the now crying superhero away from the still growing crowd. Where to take him.... where to take him... it hit B like a flash. (did ya get it? please tell me you get it)

Jogging, trying not to drop the still sobbing hero nuzzled into his neck, B knew actually where to go. It was just as he left it, pillows scattered messily around a handmade treehouse. It was a little crooked and drink bottles (mountain dew red to be specfic), which were about 3 year old, still littered the blanket-covered floor. Carefully, B placed A on a pile of cushions and hugged them once again. A was violently shaking.

"Shhh. It's over already. Its in the past. You're safe now. Shhh. You're with me, no-one can harm you."

At the last statement, A started ugly cry and dived into B's chest. His grip tightens around his sobbing, trembling body.

"Nobody will ever harm you again, I promise."

A's TramaWhere stories live. Discover now