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If only he had known all the damage he did. Jushishi had no idea where he was or what he was doing, all he could remember was himself, no memories. Gosh, if only <where am I?>...<it doesn't matter > he stood up to see what was going on but all he saw was dirt and metal walls -great- he saw a mirror close by - is that me?- he said out loud finally, he was wearing a red hoodie and it had some strings hanging down his jacket and a bag was on his shoulder Jushishi looked at his horns one slightly broken, he finally remembered why he was wearing this, he had a garage sale to do today -guess it's canceled.- Jushishi
walked around. All he saw was dusty walls and more walls and more walls, it didn't matter where he looked at there were just walls and walls.
Like an endless maze...
Jushishi drifted in the dark mate hoping to get out. Barely believing he was lost. Well not his problem, well he does know he remembers his name JUSHISHI
Well, he doesn't remember his friends, family, or even his normal life, it is like if all of that didn't matter, is it just a coincidence, or is it meant to be? No that shouldn't be possible.


Huh? What a coincidence this shouldn't be possible,
She had just woken up, ~what a dark room~ she can't see doesn't see anything all she could barely see is a toy train, two plushies, and a doll. The doll had a very weird and sad completion, her face was clean while her dress and hair were all covered in fresh blood, the doll's face had a smile and the eyes were buttoned bellow the eyes were tears. The toy train moved and Fernanda was so conscious to move fast, ~creeeeekkk~ the sound came from the closet, and Fernanda was frozen in fear she touched the wall and turned the lights on she froze to see who was in the room. But there was no one just her and the toys the door that opened was just opening by itself, it reminds her of when she slept in her bedroom she would sometimes leave the door open and it would open by itself, it would creek loud...

Vol.1 Jushishi: dead thingsWhere stories live. Discover now