Chapter 43

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Author's Note/Extra Character Details 

So, the book is over. This is a very surreal situation for me too. I remember sitting down one day with a clear goal: Writing a faithful re-hash of the Cursed Child. I never thought it would be eligible for the Wattys. 

It was hard for me to write. There were so many different ghost plots and even completely abandoned characters, such as an old plot where Albus, an abandoned character Lucas Flint, and Rose go back in time to save the Heart of Tempest, with the thought in their mind that it would be less powerful in the past, which would additionally mean it would be easier to destroy. 

Lucas Flint himself was a very major character in my first version. I decided to make him the best friend of Albus, when they easily bonded on the Hogwarts Express. He was also a childhood friend of Scorpius'. I finally decided to get rid of him as a major character, since one thing I liked about the original Cursed Child that Albus and Scorpius were each other's best and only friends. Even Rose and Jeremiah underwent a major transformation. 

Rose, in the original drafts, was basically the unconditionally supportive cousin figure. She didn't bat an eye when Albus got sorted into Slytherin, nor when he became friends with Scorpius. However, I decided to make Rose a lot more unbearable in this version. Of course, that doesn't mean I ship Scorbus, just that the trials and tribulations in this story included a sort of popular, smart, annoying version of Rose, who Scorpius would eventually stop liking. 

Jeremiah, Jeremiah. There was once a time, where, like Rose, he was exceptionally supportive of both Scorpius and Albus. Though unlike Rose, his overhaul happened in the name of his younger twin siblings, who were killed by the Masked Menaces. Even worse, they were killed by Theodore Nott, who wanted their mother Daphne so badly that he would go down deep enough to kill Daphne's own family. At that point, nobody knew who Theodore was anymore, not even Draco, who used to be quite friendly with him. Petrified of Theodore's wrath, Scorpius never revealed that the man killed his younger twin cousins, Neander and Nova.

Now, onto the character sheet:

Albus Potter ultimately ended up with Lamia Mason, who, despite Albus' unpopularity and general bad reputation, never gave up on him. They moved into Grimmauld Place, which Albus found strangely comforting, and had two children, Damian and Freya Potter, the latter being about four and a half years younger than the former. Albus eventually found a job in the apothecary in Diagon, brewing ready-made potions for the shelves. Then, disliking that job, decided to write potions books with edited recipes, which eventually became required for fifth- to seventh-year Potions classes. After moving on from being a potion book writer, he moved on to just studying potions at the academic level, becoming one of the most valued potioneers of his time.

Scorpius Malfoy was a single unit for most of his life. To even earn a job in the Ministry, he had to work very hard to assure the world he was trustworthy before joining the Ministry in the Department of Magical Maintenance as low-ranking official. In his thirst to prove himself a valuable asset to the Ministry, he ended up running for Minister, though the results of his election came out negative. Romantically, his life was quite miserable. After dating a girl named Desdemona Willis at Hogwarts, his longest marriage was with a girl named Amora Lawson before she died. They had two children, a boy and a girl, Octavius and Gemini Malfoy. Before Amora, Scorpius had two failed relationships, both due to divorce, before deciding to never get into another relationship and raise his two children himself, with frequent help from Albus and Lamia, who visit often. 

Lily Luna Potter ends up achieving great academic success at Hogwarts, becoming both prefect and head girl, though the latter achievement was more in the name of her cousin Rose, who unfortunately passed away at the end of her fifth year, than for personal accomplishment. She ended up shaping most of her life around what Rose would have wanted of her, which included joining the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, though retiring after ten years of membership, deciding instead to become a healer to make nothing like what happened to Rose happened to anyone else when in her control. 

James Potter II ended up starting a transitional career into minor league quidditch before quitting and going into training under Bill to become a curse-breaker, which interested him from the beginning. Romantically, he maintained his status as a ladies man, but ended up finally marrying a girl named Mora Foreman and having one child named William Harry Potter before retiring from his curse-breaking profession and becoming a popular quidditch analyst for the quidditch centered magazine, The Seeker Sport.

Hugo Weasley eventually ended up partaking in dragon-keeping, being mentored by his uncle Charlie, who ended up retiring after mentoring him. Like his uncle, Hugo became a valued asset in the Romanian dragon sanctuary. When he finally decided it was the right time to marry, he retired from his job as a dragon-keeper, deciding having children near dragon sanctuaries would be too risky, then joining the auror office and marrying a woman named Daria Halcyon and having three children, Charles, Dragomir, and Rose Molly  Weasley II.

Fred Weasley II, though ultimately more diligent than his father and deceased uncle, still went on to carry the legacy of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes along with his cousin Louis. He and Louis are now the managers of the store, while Fred's sister, Roxanne, is really who carries the business. She frequently comes up with new ideas of what exactly to make and how to sell it. He ends up settling down with a woman named Lavinia Serapis and has two children, Kevin and Angel Weasley, the latter ending up being more like Fred and George, and the former ending up being more like Angelina.

Louis Weasley, despite his mother's displeasure, joins the management of the joke shop after Hogwarts, deciding to disregard his mother's asks to join Dominique in pursuing her fashion chain or his father's requests to join him on his curse-breaking adventures. The joke shop reaches even further popularity and fame under Fred II and Louis' management, even getting requests to have an alliance with Gambol and Jape's and Zonko's. Romantically, Louis settles down in a marriage with a girl named Amàlie Courier and having two children, Andre and Chloé Weasley.

Adelèna Delacour ends up returning to France to live with her mother and sister despite her own protests. After graduating from Beauxbatons, her mother recommends that she marry a boy one year senior to her named Marcel Laurent and having one girl named Aurélie Laurent. Excelling in all area of magical study, Adelèna doesn't know how to proceed, and decides to try out enchanting.

Atlas Render ends up maturing a lot after both gaining the prefect badge for Gryffindor and even more after Rose's death. He continues gaining popularity and respect, but his rivalry with Albus wears down until it becomes apparent that they aren't enemies, but rather ambivalent acquaintances. Even after his friend Michael decides to stop showing support towards the enemies' efforts in helping arm the school's defense after Rose's death, Atlas still ends up regarding him quite coldly. He's still good friends with Ansley, Eva, Yann Fredericks, and Lamia's brother Liam. He ends up tying the knot with Astra Lester, and having one child, Adam.

Michael Apex finds himself very alone after Rose's death in seventh year, right when his friend group is supposed to be established. He finally decides to leave England and start anew. Not much more is known about his life, other than the fact that he became an auror. 

Delphi's name, after the final war, became very controversial. Her death stirred many mixed feelings, such as anger, euphoria, triumph, resentment, and a certain respect. Most members of her order were caught and killed as well. 

Theodore Nott ends up imprisoned in possibly the worst conditions of anyone in the wizarding prison. Ten years after imprisonment by the hands of Scorpius Malfoy, which earns the latter mentioned man the position of Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, he dies due to various injuries caused by his several attempts at escape. This makes the relationship between Scorpius and Jeremiah the smallest bit more cordial. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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