chapter 3

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??? Pov...


He can't have her she is all mine I am the one that caused her pain and happiness so she belongs to me I killed her family because they we're In my way. They wouldn't allow me to see her to apologize.

She doesn't know what us coming for her cause no one turns down the one and only Trent Rascal..... I am a vampire and will be the next king no matter what.

Lila's pov....

I woke up and got ready for my work at the stupid restraunt. Any way I head off to work on my motorcycle. Emma greeted me and asked me tons of questions about Ryder.

"Did he ask you out?"she asked.

"Yes..."I replied.

"Did he kiss you." she asked.

"Yes." when I answered that she squealed.

"Omg I knew he liked you but I didn't k ow he had the courage now you got a boyfriend." she said and when she said that I was drinking a bottle of water and I choked on it.

"Cough cough...he didn't ask me out as a girlfriend wise it was probably just a dare or something his friends told him to do." I replied.

"Oh really now then why did he come here again with his friends earlier today asking about your work schedule and what you do outside of work." she said.

I swear my eyes got As big as a peanut butter jar.

" you didn't answer anything did you..."

"Hahahahaha....." she laughed nervously.

" what did you tell him..."

" well your phone number and your Zumba that's about it except the other thing...."

I grinded my teeth together.

"What other thing???"I asked.

"Ummmm...... Your past about your family and your ex...."

I think my face was so red that steam was coming out of my ears.

" YOU WHAT!!!???" Customers stopped and stared for a moment before resuming to conti he what they did.

"I'm sorry he threatened me so yeah.."

" well if it was a life or death emergency then ok..."I said. The day flew by fast. When I walked out I saw Ryder by my bike waiting for me.

"Hey why are you here???"I asked.

"What can't I drive you home?"he asked...

"Ummm... Sure here are the keys." I hand him the keys and get on the back. I held onto him as we drove to my house. He walked me up to my porch.

"Ummm... Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Yes I would like to." He said. I unlocked my door and he came in after me. He set down on the couch.

"Want something to drink?" I asked.

"Nah I'm good." He replied. I decide to get on my computer to check my email which is on the other side of the living room from Ryder. I get on it and there is a text from an unknown. Something tells me that it is a bad thing going on right now...

I opened it and I let out a small shriek as I read it.

It said......
Dear Lila,
You maybe wondering who I am well take a hint the person you made your life happy at first then made it become a living h***. I am watching you. You shouldn't have rejected me. I love you. But your family got in the way I had to kill them but now I will just have to take what is rightfully mine...
Your secret admirer...

This is not a admirer it is the ex boyfriend who killed my family. I stood up and knocked over the chair. I quickly typed back.
Dear ex boyfriend,
I was so stupid to think you were the one.HA! What was I thinking?you say you still love me.....(whatever that means...) to bad I moved on...

I sent it and started to hyperventalate. Then I noticed that Ryder had been right next to me the whole time.

Why me? What did I do wrong to deserve this? Why can't I have a normal life? Scratch that why do I even have a life?

Then I passed out.....

Ryder's pov...

I read the email no doubt that is the son of a b**** who made her life a living h***. She had passed out and I pit her on the couch and covered her up. I called over my friends the ones that were at the restraunt when we found out that she was actually the chosen one. They arrived here less than five minutes.

"What happened to her?" Sydney asked. She has blonde hair.

See I have black hair and Blake has Brown, James has blonde.

"Well her ex boyfriend done something in the past and now he is threatening to take her away from me and you know that prisoner that escaped about 2 years ago well that's him. He is trying to get power from her he is back from revenge." I said.

"What happened in her past?" Blake asked.

I took a deep breath before answering.

"He killed her entire family and she ran as far as she could from the h*** hole and came here to restart a new life and he found her." They all gasped.

"Does she know about her being the chosen one?" Sydney asked.

"No but I will tell her when she wakes up."

"Agreed..."They all say in unision.

With that Sydney and Blake go to a guest room they are dating and so does James.

I go to her room and take my shirt off and lay down next to her and hold her. I like to listen to her heart beat. It has a perfect rhythm and it soothes me to sleep.

Hey guys me teenage_sweets has updated yay!!!! Don't forget to vote comment and follow peace out....
P.s. the text from Lila at the top...

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