Shipped off like nothing

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This is my first story I've ever written so don't yell at me for errors please

Savannah"s POV

last week was the worst week of my life my mom pulls's me out of school, entirely like no more going back and new school needed it's unbelievable how she's so controlling sometimes correction all the time.I wish I could explain why she's trying to make me lose my god damn mind but i can't tell you something I don't know, so we begin."savannah I will not go through this again you are leaving no that is final you are leaving in two day's ill let you go out today and tell anybody who cares goodbye but knowing you,you probably don't know anybody Iike that to care so enjoy your alone time see you at dinner tonight."

I was speechless my mother was alway cruel to me but she had never snapped at me with no reason yet again she's never snapped at me like that before at all it was unbelievable  so I just left, I didn't know what to say and funny enough I see my only friend with my crush Stephanie and Alex  I walked over to the only two friends that I had ever made."Hey savannah what happened I've been trying to text you all week"Steff said "Yeah I'm sorry I think my mom finally lost it she said something about boarding school and took my phone and everything she's sending me to England" I said staring at the both of them with a depressing look."what this isn't fair have you tried talking her out of it?" Alex said.

we spent the whole day together and I never told him how felt it wasn't worth losing a friendship and even if he had said yes it would of been worse because I would of never seen him again anyways my brother probably would of bullied him for it something stupid like his love life was shipped off idk. The next day was spent packing all my things, last night my mom didn't even give me dinner because I came home past curfew but I didn't really care because I wasn't that hungry anyways I couldn't stop thinking about leaving last night I barely got any sleep. As I'm packing I hear my father yelling at my mother for something I couldn't really hear what was being said but i didn't really cared it's not like he was going to miss m my mother told me when i got home last night that it was my dad's idea but i don't know if i should believe  her or ask him.

My mom got McDonald's for dinner I only ate some of the fries cause McDonald's low key tastes gross that night i was in my room and then I saw something, I mean I don't think it was real but I had no idea it was a man with a glowing staff and then he vanished I think I was just hysterical  but it felt so real I couldn't believe it.

There is the first chapter but I'm going to try and make them longer then this at least a little but I have softball practice not that you care pls vote and comment to tell what you thought just nothing about grammar!

562 words

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