Chapter One

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Five Days Ago

"Sabrina, I am very disappointed in you." Granny Relda said with a sigh. Sabrina merely rolled her eyes.

She had punched Natalie for a reason, and so far the only people that hadn't scolded her for it were Mr Sheepshank, Bella, Daphne, and to her mild annoyance, Puck, who still stood doubled over laughing a few feet away.

"No one else was going to do it." Sabrina argued, but Granny Relda only shook her head.

Daphne stood a few feet away, munching on an unusually colored cheese stick that she stuffed into her bee hive hair when she was finished. One she had finished chewing, she shot Sabrina a sympathetic look, before looking at their grandma. "She did seem pretty mean. Natalie, not Sabrina, not that-" Sabrina shook her head, motioning for her to stop, and Daphne shut her mouth.

Their grandma sighed. "Lieblings, I do hope you understand that I must figure out a way to punish Sabrina,"

Puck chose that moment to stop laughing, and join the group. "I can think of a few ideas."

Granny's eyes went wide for a moment, but still managed to step forward and put a hand on Sabrina's shoulder before she could do the same to Puck, as she had done to Natalie.

"Maybe it's best if you two went up to your room, maybe you can try and get some of the..." Granny trailed off, glancing at Puck for confirmation.

"Glue and Buttermilk!" He said proudly.

Granny smiled and looked back to the girls. "Yes, to get the glue and buttermilk from your hair." The girls complied, and walked up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Daphne immediately went for the showers, but Sabrina went straight back to work. Pulling out one one of the many books she had stored from downstairs out from under her bed, she flipped through pages until she found what she was looking for. It was Granny's copy of 'Beauty and The Beast'. Today's attempt would not be something she would use to accomplish her goal, but it was meant as a safe guard.

Sabrina flipped until she found the page she had bookmarked the day before, and stood to grab her set of keys.

"Does the Old Lady know you're stealing her keys?" Pucks voice said from behind her, and Sabrina whirled around in preparation to sock him right between the eyes, only to see a small ferret sitting on the windowsill.

"It's none of your business you rodent." She grumbled, and attempted to smack the book down on top of him.

Unfortunately, he scurried away, and leaped back down onto the floor; He changed back from his ferret form, and stood there with what must have been the smuggest look on his face that Sabrina had ever seen.

"Well I'm sure she would say something else. Possible along the lines of, 'All mighty fairy king, Thank you for telling me about the evil, pig faced, bad smelling, ugly, little girl in my home!' " He said, trying and failing to impersonate Granny's voice.

"You wouldn't dare tell her." Sabrina said, glaring at the boy.

Daphne walked in then, hair still wet and dripping down her back onto her dry clothes. She stopped in the doorway halfway through braiding the left side of her head. "This looks like a murder scene is about to take place. Either that or-" she stopped, looking at Sabrina, and then the book in her hands. "Why are there so many bookmarks that?" She made a grab for the book, but Sabrina pulled her arm away.

Just when she thought things couldn't get worse, Puck reached out and grabbed the book from her hand. He flipped through the book, eyes wide at each section she had bookmarked. "So THAT'S what you're doing."

Daphne leaned over, trying to get a better look at the pages. "What is she doing? Let me see!"

Sabrina snatched the keys off of the table, and attempted to make run for the door. Unfortunately, she spotted Granny through the crack of her slightly opened door, which meant she would have to pay Mirror a visit later that night.

"You've been trying to find mom and dad without me?" Daphne suddenly blurted, and Sabrina turned to look at her sister, who now held the book in her hand.

Sabrina scowled. "You would have told Relda." she muttered, grabbing the book from her sister's hands.

"No I would not!" Daphne exclaimed, and stomped out of the room.

Puck whistled slowly in a remark. "And I thought I was dramatic." Sabrina would have tried to hit him again, is Mr Canis didn't walk by and stop at the door.

"Is everything alright in here?" He asked. Sabrina couldn't help but notice the dark circles underneath his eyes, and the way his arms seemed thinner and more brittle than they had three weeks ago.

"Mostly. I was just about to tell horse face here-" Puck started to say, but Sabrina pointed to the door.

"Get. Out." The two Ever Afters exchanged a look, but Puck strolled out, throwing himself off the stairs and into the air as his wings appeared, before disappearing out of sight.

Mr Canis stayed a moment longer before following.

Sabrina huffed, closing the door and sitting down on her bed. Daphne would probably end up telling Granny, and then the whole operation would be shut down. It was a miracle as it was that Mirror hadn't sold her out.

It was the crash from downstairs that made Sabrina rise from her anger.

She swung open her door and ran down the stairs. At the base of them sat Mr Canis's limp body. Elvis stood over him, whining loudly.

Puck stood a few feet away, apparently as frozen as a statue. Daphne came running into the room from the kitchen, and Granny came running down the stairs.

"Oh my, what happened here?" Granny asked as she bent down to Mr Canis.

"I- I-" Puck stuttered, and Sabrina narrowed her eyes at him.

"You pushed him down the stairs, didn't you?!" She spat, stomping over to the frightened faerie boy.

Daphne however came to his defense. "He didn't do anything! Even he wouldn't do that Sabrina!"

"How do YOU know that, he's a dirty liar! He might be lying right now, and we don't even know it!" She yelled at her sister.

"Enough!" Granny Relda said, getting to her feet. "I will be leaving you here with Elvis while I take Mr Canis to the hospital. I do not want to hear about any shenanigans when I get back. Sabrina is in charge." Sabrina shot Puck and Daphne a smug expression, before going and helping Granny bring Mr Canis out to the car.

Once he was buckled in, a thought occurred to Sabrina. "Didn't Mr Canis say the police revoked your drivers license?"

She shrugged. "Desperate times call for desperate measured Liebling." And with that, she got into the car and drive recklessly down the road, leaving a worried, confused, and conflicted Sabrina behind.

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