Chapter Two

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"Is Mr Canis going to be okay?" Daphne asked when Sabrina had finished locking all of the doors with her set of keys, noticing the way Puck glared at the set when she stuffed them back into her pocket.

"He'll be fine." She assured her sister, but Sabrina wasn't even sure she was right.

"So where'd you get the keys?" Puck said, a smirk replacing his glare.

Sabrina ignored him, pushing past the two then Elvis at the stairs and going back to her original destination; The Hall Of Wonders.

She walked into the room, and walked in front of mirror. His face didn't appear in the glass, so she took a step forward.

Oddly enough, when she tried to walk through to the hall, she slammed face first into the glass.

A snicker came from behind her, and once Sabrina had regained her focus, she turned to see the fairy boy standing at the doorway grinning like a mad man.

"Don't test me, Puck. Today is NOT the day for your nonsense." Sabrina snapped, but he didn't seem to hear her, instead walking towards the mirror.

"Looks like the Old Lady caught onto your game." He said, tapping on the surface of the mirror, still just as solid as before. This time however, Mirror's face appears in the steamy blue mist.

"Ah, children. I was wondering when one of you would discover this... inconvenience." He said, and Sabrina could tell he felt minimal sympathy for the situation.

"What happened? Why can't we enter the hall?" Sabrina demanded, crossing her arms in irritation.

"Isn't it obvious? The Old Lady used some sort of magic to block the entrance." Puck remarked.

Sabrina looked to Mirror for confirmation, and he nodded. "I apologize, but I was forced to explain what was going on. I did however manage to keep your keys a secret."

Sabrina clenched her fists, anger rising in her chest, but she let out a slow breath. "That's fine. I'll figure out a way to get past it." She turned on her heels and stomped out of the room.

She walked back downstairs and towards a stack of books. Daphne sat at the window from the couch, Elvis sitting beside her despite his not being allowed on the couch, and together they stared out the window.

Sabrina sat down beside her sister and the dog, pulling over a book titled "A Complete History Of Magical Horses" It wasn't something she would normally read, but she was desperate for any way to make herself remain calm.

Hours passed, and still neither Granny or Mr Canis returned home.

Just when Sabrina began to worry, there was a loud crashing noise from upstairs. Slamming her book shut, she bolted up the stairs to the source of the sounds, Daphne and Elvis following behind.

She stopped and waited for any other indication for the sound, then heard the crashing sound again, and it came from Puck's room. "What the heck did he do this time?" Sabrina grumbled, throwing open the door without another thought.

Once she was inside, both girls stopped to stare at the scene before them. A boat sat at the center of the lagoon, and a canon sat armed at the head of it. Puck stood at the helm, and a few chimpanzees dressed in military wear scrambled around handing matches back and forth, and even a few gun powder barrels.

"Fire!" Puck cried out, and the canon loosed another cannon ball over the hill, landing with an ear splitting crash.

"We Need to stop him!" Sabrina called to Daphne over the noise.

"Elvis Can't eat that!" Daphne yelled back, and Sabrina groaned in aggravation, then ran across the field to the lagoon.

Puck noticed them as they neared the boat and his wings sprouted out from his back, then flying down a few feet over their heads. "And the enemy returns!" He proclaimed. "Load the canon!" The chimps above began screeching and crying out, passing a canon ball to the front of the boat.

"If you launch that canon at is Puck, I swear-" Sabrina didn't get to finish, because she heard someone calling out their names from the door to Pucks room.

"Lieblings! I am home!" Granny Relda called, her faint German accent clear in the mostly quiet house.

That's when Daphne called out Sabrina's name, and pointed towards the incoming Canon ball. The girls screamed, but managed to pull themselves out of harm's way; both of them crashing to the grass below.

Sabrina scrambled back to her feet and glared up at Puck, who still flew laughing above them. "I'm so going to kill you!" She screeched, and ran for the lake.

Sabrina jumped into the water and swam towards the boat. Once she reached it, she spotted the anchor and it's rope, and began to climb up it.

Once she had reached the top of the boat, the crazy chimps began to crowd around her. Sabrina spotted a sword close to where she was standing by, made of wood, and grabbed it, swinging it around her. The chimps screeched and scrambled away.

Grinning, she made her way up to the ladder that stood at the ship's mast, climbing up above the ship deck, and even farther above Puck and her sister.

Reaching the crow's nest, she was able to spot Granny running across the field to Daphne, but when she looked to her sister, Puck was gone.

Before she had the chance to panic, he felt someone shove her from behind. Normally it would only be enough to knock her off balance, but she hadn't been expecting the move, and Sabrina tumbled forwards and over the side of the crows nest.

Before she could plunge to the water, Sabrina grabbed onto the edge with one hand. As she expected, Puck stood behind her, arms crossed.

"Help me up!" She demanded from the boy, but he seemed uninterested.

Sabrina felt her grip start to loosen on the edge, and she glared at the boy. "Help me, I can't hold on!" She felt terror creep into her voice as she imagined what it would be like to fall from the height she was at.

And for the first time, guilt crossed the boy's face, and he held out a hand. Sabrina there her other hand up and took it, and he pulled her back up onto the boat.

Sabrina cough, aching to catch her breath, while Puck muttered something about Heroes and being a villain, before jumping off the crows nest and gliding down to the others.

A few minutes later, Sabrina climbed down the nest, and crossed the ladder that now led down to the grassy hill below.

"Of all the things to do while I am gone, I am severely disappointed in you Puck!" Granny Relda exclaimed, and Sabrina was surprised by the anger in her face. Even Daphne seemed a little scared of the woman's temper, because she scrambled towards Sabrina in a hurry.

"They're fine." Puck said, as if the whole thing hadn't been a big deal.

"You launched a canon ball at us." Daphne argued.

Puck shrugged. "That was the army."

"You shoved me and I almost fell from the crow's nest." Sabrina spat.

This time he scowled at Sabrina. "And I saved you. You Grimms have GOT to stop making me be a hero. It's ruining my track record!"

Daphne leaned over to her sister and whispered, "what does track record mean?" She ignored her.

Sabrina stepped forward , and raised her fist, since she had dropped the sword in all the commotion. "I dare you to keep talking stink pot."

"Bring it hog face!" Puck said, his wings sprouting from his back and he hovered a few feet off of the ground.

"Enough!" Granny shouted, and they both turned to look at the angry old woman. "I am very tired of your bickering. There will be a way for you to get along, and if it's the last thing I do I will figure it out!" With that, she stomped out of the room.

Sabrina shot Puck a glare before grabbing her sister's wrist and dragging her out behind her.

They made it into their room, and Sabrina slammed the door. There was a series of loud crashes and shattering noises from Puck's room, which meant he was throwing another one of his infamous temper tantrums.

Daphne sat in the bed and looked at Sabrina. "Granny is right. Both of you two arguing all the time is starting to become a pain." Before Sabrina could argue with her sister, she laid down and turned to face the wall, giving her the silent treatment.

Sabrina just rolled her eyes and lid down, muttering to herself about soon to be dead dairy boys, then slowly drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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