Chapter 1

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The room was suffocating him. It wasn't the lack the furniture or the feeling of being alone in a foreign place that sent chills down his spine but the nerve-wracking silence. The silence that he had always craved for was driving him insane.

He could feel the monsters clawing under his skin, trying to set themselves free and consume him. A part of him that he had always feared yet enjoyed. The lingering bitter taste in his mouth, another reminder of last night's fiasco.

As if the head-splitting headache wasn't enough.

Halting his train of thoughts, he looked at his surroundings. A very uncomfortable bed pushed against the wall with a grandfather clock ticking above his head,peach colored walls with matching curtains and a wooden wing chair next to the window. The room looked completely spotless,clean enough to make him momentarily forget about the fact that a few days ago there must've been a junkie sleeping in the very same bed.

Springing up from his bed he decided that the chair was a better option but as soon as his feet touched the ground he felt his legs go jelly and he was going down. Quite literally. Grabbing the first thing which happened to be the bedpost he tried but fell flat on his ass, knocking the glass kept in the side table.

The shards of glass flew in all directions but all he could feel was a ringing in his ear. He didn't even hear the glass shattering and felt a warm touch on his shoulder. Jumping back he felt the sting in his palm and saw an angry shard stuck in his left palm.


" What the hell were you doing?", the warm, deep voice belonged to the owner of the hand who happened to be a girl. No,a women to be precise. She looked to be in her thirties, judging from the faint wrinkles scattered across her face with a tousled mop of brunette hair.


"What were you doing,Robin?", the sound of his name brought him back from whatever daydream he was lost in. She seemed annoyed with the furrow between her eyebrows being a testimony of it. Now he could feel his palm hurting like a bitch,all thanks to her.

"Look what you did !",gritting his teeth he held his wrist tightly to stop the blood.

The faint buzzing seemed to get louder and louder with black spots obstructing his vision. He could feel a cold wave washing over his body and the sweat trickling down the back of his neck. He could hear some faint murmuring in the background and then everything turned black.

The next time he woke up his palm was wrapped in a clean white gauze. Moving his fingers, he could feel a mild throbbing and stopped before he made it worse. The room was bathed in a soft orangish hue. Someone had drawn the curtains while ge was sleep.

Three light knock came from the door and before he could say it slowly opened and a head peeped in. It was the same lady as before but with a pair of rectangular glasses perched on her nose.

"Oh, you're up. How are you feeling?",closing the door she shuffled across the room and settled on the wing chair.

Grunting annoyingly he looked to the other side. He was a little angry at her unannounced arrivals and knew if she hadn't shocked him, he would've been completely fine. Or maybe he was a embarassed that he had fainted just from a miniscule injury.

"Use your words, Robin"

"Why are you here?", as far as he knew they don't let random people enter your rooms in a rehab center. And especially in such a renowned one.

Hope Rehabilitation Centre

Her lips were quirked in an amused grin while she removed her glasses and pocketed them. On her breast pocked was embroidered a name.

"Sage", testing aloud the name on his tongue he looked at her. Her face framing brunette locks could almost pass as black. She wore a pair of sky blue scrub with blood stains on the sleeves.

It was his. She had fixed her hand up. Scoffing he was annoyed at her for helping him. As if she wasn't the reason behind this.

"Are you dumb?",there was a teasing tone in her words. Robin knew better than to fall for the oldest trick in the book. The plain ceiling with plaster chipping off on few places seemed to be the most interesting the thing at the moment. Atleast than the person beside him.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you before. I just heard the noise and came to-"

"Ever heard of knocking before barging in", the sarcasm laces words were similar to one's he had always heard from his friend whenever he entered his room like that.

"Yeah, sure. And wait for you to reply? You passed out as soon as I came"



"I said get the hell out of my room !"

"No need to be an ass, Robin."

"Get out.",this time there was a certain finality in his words that she must've heard because rather than arguing she closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

She was trying to not blow up and it felt good to know that he was getting on her nerves the same way she was. He closed his eyes and waited for the shuffling of her shoes. The door slowly creaked open and he relaxed a little.

"It seems like you lack manners, Robin. But no problem I'll help after all I'm appointed to help you out only" before he could even comprehend the meaning of those words the door was shut loudly and he was again alone.

He could feel himself regretting his decision of coming here. Fuck. He wanted only a little bit of peace in his life but it seemed like life really had a knack for ruining it. He should've stayed in New York only rather than coming to this stinky town in the middle of nowhere. And the bloody headache was back too.

Crushing his face in the pillow he groaned loudly.

And who the hell names their kid Sage !

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