He's Gone. (⛓💉C)

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"Captain, Captain!" Steve shouted, being bomb-rushed by the crowd. The teams were being tagged by the other, surprisingly catching Captain's squad. The view of Captain slowly faded away as Steve was dragged by an enemy solider, feeling his body thud to the ground and began to drag away.

"Finally..." The enemy growled, pulling Steve away into a trench. The surroundings were much quieter than on land, so Steve was able to hear the enemy clearly. "I finally fucking caught the Co-Leader! Hah! This is going on my record.." The enemy said. Steve, who has lost his gun whilst being dragged, stared up at the enemy solider in complete surrender. The guy held the gun to his chest and pushed the barrel deep into his rib cage. "No last words to you, shit head," declared the opposing team member.

He then pulled the trigger. The gun fired, blasting the bullet through Steve's chest and blowing out a gush of blood. The now dead body limped, the head falling slowly with the face of Steve wavering away and altering into a blank state.

Hours passed by. Captain walked through the rugged trail, seeing the now ruined battlefield ringing through the area. The moonlight bathed the ground, shining onto Captain as he made his way through. It was a now empty deserted island, only left with Captain. He kicked and shuffled rocks away, clenching his machine gun close to him.

He raised his head up and looked into the distance, seeing a body on the ground. He gasped, eyebrows furrowing and him running over to the body. The person was faced down, so it forced Captain to squat and grab it's shoulder.

He turned the body around, revealing it was Steve. He gasped, dropping his gun and quivering his mouth. "No...No! Fuck, man..No! Steve!" He pleaded out, gripping his deceased friend and slightly shaking him in hopes that he wasn't dead. He coughed out a cry, tears streaming down. He noticed Steve was shot through the mid chest, seeing the blood dried up and stained the vest. Captain dropped his head on his dead friend, crying his heart out and choking.

He slowly rolled his face to the side, reaching for his gun. He sat up on his knees, picking up the gun and staring at it. With shaking hands, he began to slowly position the gun towards his mouth. The barrel pressed against his tongue as he pushed it deeper. Captain trembled his finger, holding the trigger. He stared at Steve, dropping a fast tear before pulling the trigger and blasting his brains out.

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