Chapter 6, Ethan

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Chapter 6


After lying back and closing my eyes, soft notes floated through the air. It would be slow and flow like a river and then turn suddenly into what seemed like a herd of cattle as they ran across a rocky slope. Slipping and falling along the way. When the music became soft and calm once again, I decided to finally ask the question into the silence that hung so still between us. “I know you told me to shut up, but sometimes it’s better to talk things out instead of keeping it bottled up.”

With her gaze fixed on the instrument lying in her lap, “I got attached to yet another family that’s going to throw us out of their lives and into another’s. Only this time, I’m being left on the sidewalk.”

Excitement grew inside of me, as it forced its way onto my face. Earning a glare from Lyra. “I’m being kicked out by the end of this year and being given a couple of hundred that is supposed to help me on my way. I’ve been working up some money and saving it for a place of my own, with a few good ones in mind. We could split the bill and share it. We could turn it into our own little greenhouse garden.”

“But that’s months away, anything could happen during that time. And besides, it’s not being alone in the world that is the problem.” She squeaked with a hint of frustration.

“Nothing ever has happened and nothing ever will during that time, and besides what could even be close to a problem with the thought of being able to live your own life?”

“The age limit for becoming a guardian, it’s 25 and over.”

Grinning mischievously I answer in a cocky tone, “Well then your just in luck, who’s the lucky kid that is gonna be adopted then? I may be 20 but I look nothing of my age.” I say as my grin is fixed in place.

Hope and excitement floods her eyes and she rushes to wrap her arms around my neck, giving me a deadly strong hug. “Thank you so much, I’ll pay for all the costs and we wouldn’t stay in your apartment for long.” She said as her voice cracked. Removing her arms from around my neck, “Her name is Jenna, just saying.”

“You’d better tell your foster parents the plan and bring all your stuff here. The Sister’s will allow you a room to share as long as that foster mum of yours asks for it. While you do that, I’ll make a couple of calls and sign some papers, allowing us to move in and adopt that kid of yours by the start of next year.” Collecting her composure again she thanks me and rushes out of the room without another word. Picking up the fallen guitar, I study it for scratches or dents. Nothing seems to be wrong apart from a couple of off keys and a small lightning scratch leading from the side to the back of the guitar. Rising off the bed, I stash the guitar in its case before moving to the door.

A blur of red and brown hair crash into me with rage rolling off them like a sea. Matt’s red hair is scuffed just as badly as Jacob’s, they’d probably been trying to listen in and had fought over the best listening spot. They had charged the room and hauled me to the ground, pinning me there with fire blazing in their eyes. “What the hell did you do to her!?”

“Jacob let me do the fucking talking. What did you say that made her run out in tears? What did you do that ruined my chances of ever being able to caress her seductive body?” Matt says as he hugs his body and drifts off from the situation,

“Oh, so now she’s yours, even after you said you had no interest? Well, because you said that it means you’re out of counting and that she’s mine to-“

“That means nothing of the sort! I’m the oldest-“

“Older by like, two seconds! That has nothing to do with who gets to try and date her!”

“It does too, you’re just too caught up-“

Having enough of their squabbling as they fought on my chest I yell, “That’s enough! You two can’t just argue over who’s gonna fucking date her when you’re not the ones to choose who she really wants to be drooled over. On top of this, I’ve done nothing to upset no one. So I suggest getting the hell off me or you’re gonna be pounded into a pulp.”

Matt looked at me with disappointment shining on his face. "She's way too good for you Ethan. Just leave it" Just like that, theysprinted out the door. That’s it, getting up, the chase is on as we weave the halls and fly through rooms. Splitting up at times as they try and shake me, I know to just follow one, as they always meet back up somewhere. Calling their chant back at me just fuels me to chase them down harder. Just when I thought I had them in a blocked off room, I slow to a stop and enter slowly to try and catch a sense of movement, not a soul nor an object occupies the dust filled room.  Walking as silent as possible into the room, I check the windows, all locked and untouched. I run my hand along the walls searching for any hidden panels. With no luck, I scan the roof then the floor, again looking for any hidden panels or ways of escape. Nothing, not even an air vent.

Collapsing onto the floor in the center of the room, I puzzle over their disappearing act. No sound drifted in or through the room, only the distant sound of kids playing and squealing. I could get use to this, it’s the quietest room in the whole building. Apart from the chapel and of course my green house. Leaning my ear up against the floor, I listen hard, intent to try and catch where the monkeys are hiding by their distinctive voices. Nothing, except for the sound of my voice being called through the house and the constant sound of kids playing. Groaning, I pull myself off the floor and make my way down stairs to the source of the constant calling.

The first thing I noticed was the tall and lean man towering over Sister Rebekah. A heavy black cloak hung on his shoulders, almost reaching the floor. The hood thrown back, his sharp featured face was pale with a grin pasted on his thin lips. His hazel eyes burned into me, I wasn’t listening to what Sister Rebekah was saying. I’d seen this happen to other kids too many times to know all the signs of what’s going to happen next. “I’m not being adopted, I’m old enough to live on my own and I already have a place. I’m not going to be owned by someone.” I say stepping away from them just as Sister Rebekah takes a step towards me. “Come now Ethan, I know what we agreed on, but this man wishes for a young boy who won’t be interrupting his work. I’m sure you’ll love to live with him, you may do whatever you please as-“

“I can do whatever I please now, I’m twenty years old now and was legally able to live on my own two years ago.” Storming out of the room, I don’t bother looking behind me or trying to listen to any reasoning that Sister Rebekah will try. Turning the corner sharply I lean against the wall, listening to what agreement they will make on him. The sound of kids around him make their conversation muffled. Lots of apologizing from Sister Rebekah and a calm and soothed voice following. Probably that creepy emo guy. That’s it, I’m gonna try and move out of here, tonight.

Rushing upstairs and into the room I’ve shared for so long.  Gathering my merger positions into a bag I then haul it onto my shoulder along with my guitar. Should I leave through the window or through the door? It’s not like they would still be there. Turning to face the door, creepy-emo stands there with Sister Rebekah behind him. Better make my break for it now or never. Sprinting over towards the window I run through it, sending glass shards flying as pain blazes up and through my shoulder and arm. Sliding down the railing I get on the ground in record time.

Looking back, creepy-emo stares at me with fire blazing in his now red and brown eyes. Out of the other window Sister Rebekah is praying as she stares at me in disbelief and horror.  I only get to the end of the ally where a black convertible blocks my only escape with two men in suits. With creepy-emo and Sister Rebekah blocking the other exite, I make my break for it. I charge the two men shoving them out of my way. Something sharp stabs into my arm, sending warm liquid into me. Stumbling forward I try and put as much distance between me and creepy-emo and his thugs. Losing my balance, I collapse onto the ground struggling with standing up. I hadn’t gotten far before my muscles had turned to goo. Glancing around with slow movements my vision starts to blur as multiple waves of dizziness crash into me like a sea. Those red brown eyes stare at me as my body gives into the darkness.

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