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I woke up at like 6:30 showered then got dressed, me and Avani agreed to wear a skirt and braid our hair into a ponytail,

I woke up at like 6:30 showered then got dressed, me and Avani agreed to wear a skirt and braid our hair into a ponytail,

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Today I had to pick up Avani, I forgot my parents already left it was kinda lonely, "hey Kenz, can you take me today?" Blake walked downstairs "sure but you have to sit in the back

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Today I had to pick up Avani, I forgot my parents already left it was kinda lonely, "hey Kenz, can you take me today?" Blake walked downstairs "sure but you have to sit in the back." He nodded his head and we walked to my car. And we arrived at Avanis house

I'll be out in a min


A couple minutes later Avani walked out "good morning guys." She smiled as she got it the car, "good morning me and Blake both said "Dukin?" Avani smiled "yess please" I laughed and went through the drive through. I got a Carmel frappe, Avani got an iced coffee and Blake just got hot
Chocolate. We arrived at school and Josh was at my locker, "I'll go to my locker" Avani smirked, and we went our separate ways

"hey" Josh said and pulled me into a hug "Hey" I responded with a smile. He already had what he needed for the first couple of periods "Can you hold my drink?" I needed to grab my books "sure, what drink is it?" I responded while grabbing my books "it's a Carmel frappe." He looked at me "I've never had a Carmel frappe before" I then looked up at him "no way... you have to try it, try mine." I insisted. He did as I said and tried the Drink. "Dang that's good." He laughed "we can share it" I smiled then Avani and Jaden walked over to us. "Hey Ken Ken" Jaden laughed as he said that. "New nick name I see Jay Jay." I smiled. And we walked to first period. "Good morning class" our teacher walked in "today we will be getting assigned seats." I looked at Avani then Josh. "Front row will be..." he said a bunch of people I was glad I was not in the front row or middle rows "back row will be Jaden, Mackenzie, Josh, Avani" this teacher was nice I just didn't like that fact that me and Avani weren't next to eachother.

Finally the school day was over and it was game time, all of us cheerleaders were in the locker room changing into are uniforms. We came out did some
Flips and handsprings then split in half so the boys could run in between us. The game started and we did some cheers. The boys were winning by seven with 48 seconds left, and it was our ball. I saw Jaden pass the ball to Josh who ran and got a touch down, we cheered louder now. And that was game we won!! After their coach talked to them I ran over to Josh and hugged him "you did great." I smiled "you looked great!" He responded and I blushed. I looked at my phone and saw Avani had sent me some pictures and I decided to post one

 I looked at my phone and saw Avani had sent me some pictures and I decided to post one

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Kenzie.xoxo- your biggest cheerleader ☺️
Liked by Avani, JadenHossler and 2,271 others

Avani- PC???
|Kenzie.xoxo- nahh

JoshRichards- my favorite cheerleader! 😉💕
|Kenzie.xoxo 🙃☺️

JadenHossler- I'm in the background Ken Ken!
|kenzie.xoxo- you sure are Jay Jay :)

After I got out of the locker room I was wearing this

After I got out of the locker room I was wearing this

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I was really nervous to meet Joshes family. "You'll
Be fine" Avani said as we walked out of the locker room, I just stared at her she looked a little sad "are you okay?" I asked her "yeah I'm fine" Josh walked over. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I waved and Joshes family walked over "Great game Josh." His dad said "you must be Mackenzie." His mom said and smiled at me, "yeah hi, nice to meet you." I smile "this is my dad, mom and sister Olivia." I smiled and waved then Blake and Bryce walked over to us "Josh dude you played so good!" Blake and Bryce gave him the bro hug. "Thanks man!" Josh responded "oh these are Mackenzies brothers." Blake and Bryced waved "this is Joshes parents and sister" I whispered to my brothers.

We arrived at Joshes house and his parents were already there "I'm so nervous..." I looked at Josh "why?" He put his hand on my back "What if they don't like me... or I do something stupid?" Josh looked me in the eyes "for the past 2 days I've talked non stop about you. They have been dying to meet you they will love you!" I smiled and we got out of the car and walked in.

"Hello guys dinner will be ready soon." Joshs mom smiled at us and Josh motioned me to the living room as soon as we sat down my phone dinged

Me and Anthony broke up

Omg no why?

I broke up with him...

Avani do you want
me to come over?!

No no your with Josh but after

I'll be over asap

"Avani and Ant broke up!" I told Josh "wait actually?" I nodded "can I remove him from the group chat?" Josh asked, I laughed "I only added him because of Avani!" He admitted "you can do whatever." We both laughed and Josh removed Anthony from the group chat "dinners ready." Olivia walked in the living room and told us. This was really awkward. "So Mackenzie do you have any plans for college?" Joshes mom asked me "um yeah im going to apply to Ohio State, UCLA, and Kent state." I smiled "what do you want to do?" Joshes dad asked me "I'm hoping to be fashion designer!" Josh smiled "she actually designed the cheer uniforms!" His family looked at me "wow those were so pretty." Olivia said. For the rest of dinner we talked mostly about me, kinda embarrassing but that's okay. After dinner Josh drove me to Avanis and I said bye and quickly ran into Avanis house.

What a Catch: A Josh Richards storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora