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(Sorry I've been gone for a while lol.... but I'm back!!!)

The doctors brought me crutches and told me I could go home. Everyone came to my house and we just sat . I started crying. "My future is ruined.." I quietly said "no no no... trust me it's not" Avani hugged me, "Avani there were college scouts there... they saw me break my fricken ankle." I bursted out into tears. "I have no chance at getting a scholarship anywhere..." before I knew it everyone was asleep except me. I grabbed my phone and had a lot of sympathy texts, I just ignored them. I know I want to be a fashion designer but my plan was to get a scholarship for cheer but join the designing classes.

It was now 5 am and I was still awake, everyone was still asleep. Avani was on my bed with me and Josh and Jaden were on the floor. I heard footsteps and it was Bryce, "why are you still awake?" Bryce whispered as he walked in my room. "I just can't sleep, my head hurts, my ankle hurts, and I just have a bunch of thoughts in my head." Bryce came and sat down on the other side of my bed and hugged me "Hey... everything happens for a reason." Bryce smiled at me. I just nodded. A few minutes later I feel asleep.

I woke up at 10pm the only other one awake was Josh. "Good morning" he whispered to me from the floor "good morning Joshy." I responded. I guess once I fell asleep Bryce must of left, so Josh got up and walked over to my bed, and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey Josh hands off my girl." Avani said as she woke up and laughed, causing me and Josh to laugh. "Goodness now I'm awake!" Jaden said. "It's 10 anyway you guys should be awake." We laughed. We all decided to get ready for the day which was honestly kinda hard for me so Avani helped me I put on this,

 We all decided to get ready for the day which was honestly kinda hard for me so Avani helped me I put on this,

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I could only wear one shoe so I put a sock on the other. We walked out of my room then I remembered we had stairs.... could this get any harder? "Do you need help?" Jaden asked as we approached the stairs. "Maybe... I don't know yet." I attempted to get down the stairs, I didn't fall so I did fine "nice Ken Ken." Jaden laughed and put his hand up for a high five which I gave him one. "Hey guys" Blake said from the kitchen "what's up dude." Josh responded back. "Kenz texted mom and dad and told them what happend" Blake said to me and I just nodded. "We have practice at 2" Josh said to Jaden "we do to..." Avani said after Josh. I frowned a little, but we changed the subject. "Do you guys wanna get lunch and then go to practice?" Everyone nodded. So we got in Joshes car and went through the chick-fil-a drive through. At this point it was only 12:00 pm but we could sit on the field or the bleachers and eat.

"Chick-Fil-a is literally my favorite thing!" I laughed, and everyone else joined. "What about me?" Avani said sarcastically and did a fake frown. "Your my second favorite thing right after..." everyone laughed. "How you ankle?" Jaden asked me. "It feels better than last night." I smiled, and everyone smiled back. We talked for a long time and then people started arriving for practice we got down from the bleachers in we split up to go into the locker rooms. "Mackenzie... I feel so bad." A girl named Charli said. Charli was a junior, "oh um no it's fine." I smiled "no your like the best cheerleader here we need you." I laughed "coming from you, your on the VARSITY team with me... I guess we're both good." We both laughed "I mean I look up to you as a cheerleader." I blushed "aww thank you so much." We walked out of the locker room and I sat and watched "Mackenzie!" The coach yelled "since your out for a little you are going to help me coach." I smiled "really?!" She nodded.

After practice Josh, Jaden and Avani were waiting for me but I was talking to Charli. "You need to meet my friends... I mean I'm sure you've heard of them but you need to meet them." I smiled as Charli followed me out "guys!!" I said as we approached my friends. "This is Charli she's a junior... Charli this is Jaden my boy bestfriend, Josh my boyfriend and you know Avani but she's my bestfriend." They all waved "nice to meet you." Josh said. "We are going to my place if you want to come." I said to Charli "really... I would love to." We all got in Joshes car and headed to my house.  "We're back..." I yelled as we walked in. Blake came downstairs "did you need to yell?" I laughed as I sat down because the crutches were hurting my arms. "Oh umm hey Charli." I heard Blake say. "Ooo" Avani whispered, I laughed "hey Blake." Charli blushed "omg you like him." I said, Charli just smiled "okay I know we don't know Charli that well but she needs to be added to the gc!" Everyone agreed and we added Charli.

Cheer/football favs

Hey Charli

Charli 🌻💕
Hi lol

We drop Anthony and
Added Charli

Avani ❤️

My head starting hurting again "does anyone have Advil with them?" Everyone shook their head "I can go get some from up stair Avani offered "That would be great!" I smiled "guys my moms here I got to go." Charli waved bye and left. "Here." Avani handed me the Advil. "Does you ankle hurt?" Josh asked. "No it's my head." Bryce came downstairs with Tayler who was his bestfriend "hey sis." Both Tayler and Bryce said "how are you?" Bryce asked "My head hurts so bad." I put my head on Josh.

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