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(Hey guys, sorry I have been super busy and couldn't post!!! Unfortunately I wont be able to post for a week :( )

"Avani!!!" I ran up to her room and hugged her, she was crying on her bed. "What happened?" She looked up at me "I don't know... it's just we've been distant lately so I thought it would be best to end things." I just hugged her I didn't know what else to do. A couple minutes later she stopped crying "so how was Joshes?" She asked me changing the subject "it was pretty good for the most part kinda awkward" she smiled "we have another game tomorrow." She said "wait we do?" Avani nodded "shit, is it home." How did I not know we had a game?? "Yeah it's home." I nodded and we both fell asleep

"Kenz wake up!!!" Avani pushed me. "It's 6:00 and you need to get you cheer stuff from your house. I quickly got out of Avanis bed and we walked to her car and drove to my house "I'll wait in the car" Avani said and I nodded it was a home game so we had to dress nice

 I quickly got out of Avanis bed and we walked to her car and drove to my house "I'll wait in the car" Avani said and I nodded it was a home game so we had to dress nice

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"Are you guys coming to the game tonight." I asked Blake and Bryce as I walked through the kitchen "yeah, I'm being Addison to." I nodded "Blake?" He shook is head "sorry I have plans." I laughed "ok See you later Bryce and see you at school Blake." They waved and I walked out the door. "That outfit is everything." Avani said as soon as I got in the car we were running a little behind so we didn't have time to stop at Dunkin.

We arrived at the school and like normal Josh was at my locker "Good morning." He hugged me. "How's Avani?" I shrugged "she seemed fine this morning." Josh nodded, Avani walked over to us "let's go." She pulled our arms to first period. "I forgot about our new seat!" I frowned, I was happy I was next to Josh and Jaden but I wish I was next to Avani. "My favorite cheerleaders" Jaden yelled as we walked in Josh eyed him "aye man watch it." We laughed Jaden was like my bestfriend basically another brother. "Guys my head hurts so bad" I said right before the bell rang... our teacher isn't here yet so we kept talking "do you need Advil?" Avani asked "I think I have some." I looked in my pencil pouch and found some. I put my head on my desk "Kenz you good?" I felt Josh put his hand on my back "yeah, probably because I didn't have coffee this morning."

The teacher walked in "sorry class my meeting ran long... We are going to do a project in groups of four." Me, Avani, Jaden and Josh looked at eachother. "You need to create a poster or what we are learning right now, we have the whole class period today." Avani got up and grabbed a poster bored and we started working. "Ken Ken, you sure your okay?" I smiled "yeah of course." I responded. We were working in the back corner of the room. "Kenzie?" Avani raised an eyebrow, "I'm literally fine, I have a little headache" I snapped. "Ok..." Avani responded, I put my head on Joshes shoulder. The bell rang and we went to second period.

It was finally lunch time but I didn't feel like eating. "Hey sis." Blake sat at our table "hey" I gave a half smile. "Are you good?" I nodded "I just have a little headache." Josh looked at me "you still have a headache?" I nodded again "Maybe you should eat" Jaden added "no I'm not hungry." Everyone just nodded. The rest of the day went by quickly and it was already time for the game, which my head hurt so bad but I couldn't miss before the game me and Josh took some pictures and I took some with Avani and Jaden also. In the middle of the game we did a small routine, and my head was killing me I did my back tuck and heard a crack... "Oh my god." I heard Avani say and I bursted out into tears. My ankle had just broke. "Avani get Bryce" she waved for Bryce and Blake. "Bryce I can't move." He picked me up. "Hey calm down it will be okay he carried me to the car and Blake following behind Addison was also there. "It's over..." I said "what's over?" Bryce looked at me through the mirror "Basically my life! There were scouts at the game!!" I started crying harder as we arrived at the hospital I tried to control my tears And that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

~Joshes POV~
In the middle of the game I saw Kenzie hurt her ankle. I wanted to run out of the game so bad and be with but I couldn't, so as soon as the game ended me Jaden and Avani rode together to the hospital. We got there and saw Addison, Bryce, and Blake sitting in the waiting room "how is she" I asked. "The doctors put her to sleep a couple minutes ago it's really bad..." Bryce explained "What does this mean for her season?!" Avani sounded like she was about to cry "well it depends on what the doctors say... but she will for sure be out for a while." I shook my head. Why did this happen to her?

~Kenzie POV~
Once I woke up I heard people walking in "Hey Kenzie." Avani said and she walked over to me and hugged me. I wanted to start crying again. "How are you feeling?" Addison asked me as she hugged me, "considering my life is basically over... I'm doing pretty well." My eyes started to tear "can you hand me my phone?" I asked, and Jaden picked it up and gave it to me. I decided to post a picture on Instagram to cheer me up.

 I decided to post a picture on Instagram to cheer me up

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Kenzie.xoxo- pre injury.
Liked by BlakeGray, Avani and 2,984 others

Avani- you'll be back in no time!
|kenzie.xoxo- doubtful 😔

JadenHossler- Ken Ken... 😕
|kenzie.xoxo- Jay Jay...🥺

JoshRichards- You are strong 💕♾
|Kenzie.xoxo- don't feel strong rn :(

What a Catch: A Josh Richards storyWhere stories live. Discover now