Chapter 1

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                                 Zelretch's POV

                                                    I'm bord, I've Bing bord for a long time now ever since the end of the fith holy grail war I've Bing bord so I looked threw Kaleidoscope. When I was looking threw Kaleidoscope I noticed something happening in our universe, a former master of the 3rd holy grail war and his family have summoned seven servants and seven more will be summoned and to be honest it's quite interesting. Then I thought something was missing, I got up and started to pase In my office and that's when I figured it out and I said out loud " Thats it!, I'll add two more factions to this battle and I know just the servants! " I then took out several pictures of servants and I then said "I'll add the servants from the 4th and 5th holy grail wars!" . I then thought of this "on dame, I can't  pick the Archer because the counter force blocked me from him for a few years same with Gilgamesh but I can't summon him anyway with all the kings in this war it will be a blood bath same goes with the 4th's caster" I continued to think about it until I said "I'll summon replacements to fill the empty seats but" I heard a knock on the door and said "come in" the door opened and in came my son.

                                (Y/N)'s POV (A few minutes before)

                                            I was walking to my father's office and Alter was complaining " why the hell are we visited that old vampire? " I calmly replied "because I want to see my father" she then asked "why?" I then answered " I think he's up to something and I want in on it" she gave me a look and said " dame you are starting to act like that old fart" I then said with a little bit of Sarcasm "doesn't a saint supposed to not speak so bolder" she smacked the back of my head and we continued walking. Hello my name is (Y/N) and I'm a Humongous and the son of the keeper of the second magic, when we got to my father's office I knocked on the door and I heard my father say "come in" we entered the office my father turned to us and said " son! " he gave me a bear hug like always and said "what brings you here?" He let go of me and I replied " you've Bing quite lately and I was wondering if you are planing something? "He gave me a smirk and said "always a few steps head of me" Alter replied " you did teach him you old fart" my father glared at her and said " anyway you came just in time, I have something for you " I tilted my head and my father continued " I want you to be in a holy grail war " . I looked at Alter and she looked at me, I turned to my father and asked "what's are the details?" then my father explained everything to me and to be honest it's sounds interesting, Alter was smiling like a mad woman probably thinking about the battle in the future, after he explained everything I said "so you want me to be the master of several servants for two factions, am I right" he nodded and said "I know you can do it but some of the servants will need to be replaced so I'll leave that choice up to you my boy" I nodded then a thought came to mind, Alter and father picked up on it and my father asked "what's on your mind boy?" I looked at him and said "can I add three masters?" My father looked puzzled and asked "why do you ask" I replied Logically "well I know that three of the servants have emotional attachments to three masters, plus it will help me greatly in the upcoming battle of I had more mages on my side" my father nodded and Alter asked "but who are these masters?" I replied " well I'll leave father to get the other two but I can get the other one, in fact he works here" my father had a smile and said "you mean" I nodded and said "yes, Lord El Melloi ii" my father thought about it and said "you can add them, the director is already picked the final master to the red faction so you need to do this quick" I nodded and stood up and said " I'll do it quick, also I'll text you which servants that'll be summoned " he nodded and opened a portal to Japan to pick up the other two while I go talk to teacher.
                                         Me and Alter exited out of fathers office and headed to Lord El Melloi ii 's office, as we where walking Alter asked "why did you asked for help?, That's unlike you douting yourself" I replied " my father is going to summon some of the spirits from the 4th and 5th holy grail wars and some of them have deep emotional attachments plus the more mages the less work for me to do" Alter sighed and said "of course you say something like that" . We made it to his office and I knocked, the door opened and the one that opened it is Gray, Lord El Melloi ii 's Apprentice, she looked at us and said "(Y/N)?, Alter?, What brings you here?" I replied " I need to speak with Lord El Melloi ii, it's important " she nodded and let us inside. I noticed two people one of them being Lord El Melloi ii and a student of his that I know his name is Flat I believe, Lord El Melloi ii looked at us and asked " well what brings you here? Mr. Zelretch" Flat came up to me and shook my hand rapidly and said "Oh wow!, Your the son of the keeper of the 4th magic!, What's it li-" he was cut off when Alter chopped his head and when you have a teacher like Lord El Melloi ii you get a thick skull with that death grip of his, I sat down on a couch with Alter behind me and across from me is lord El Melloi ii and his student while Gray is poring us some tea. Before he spoke I said "my father is planing something and he's put me in charge of it and I need you" he looked at me and said "and what is it hes planning?" I went on explaining my father's plane and he said "so you need another mage on your side" I shook my head no and said "I need you to be one of the four masters, more specifically the master of Rider once more" he looked at me while he took a sip of tea and said "what would I get in return?" I replied " I'll leave that part to my father but since I am Engaged to your sister I can greatly lower the family's Debt for you " he smiled and said "I was asked to join the red faction but I declined, what makes you think I will join you?" Gray looked at her teacher and at me, Flat was watching on the sidelines while he's rubbing his head, I took a long sip of tea and said "he'll remember you" his eyes widen and I continued "my father is working on the magic Circuits to summoned the servants from the 4th and 5th holy grail ,s minus a few of them including Gilgamesh, we are adding servants to replace the ones we are missing and to fill in one gap" He got up and went to his desk and opened a box and looked at a red Peace of cloth, he closed his eyes and said "alright I'll do it but I need people" I nodded and asked "which ones?" He replied " I'm going to need Gray and Reines with me" I nodded and said "agree but they can't be masters, father only agree three other masters" he nodded and picked up the box on his desk and said "Flat get the door" he nodded and opened the door to see Reines and her Mercury Mark maid. She walked in and said "well I'm glad you expected me dear brother" she turned to and hugged me and I returned the hug and she said "hello there husband, what brings you to my brothers office?" I replied "well this is actually a Coincidence, follow me please" she nodded while grabbing my arm and intoe Alter Grabbed my other arm while the Boulth of them glared at each other I sighed knowing this always happens, I looked at Gray and she was blushing abit and after that we headed to the summoning wing of the clock tower.
                                      We made it too the summoning wing and I see my father setting up on the side lines where two girls. I walked to them and I introduced myself "Hello young ladys my name is (Y/N) Zelretch it a pleasure to meet you" . The Purple haired girl blushed a bit and the white haired girl looked inquisitive and asked "are you a homunculus?" I nodded and I said "yes, and I can tell your only hafe homunculus" she looked shocked and she said "how did you know?" I replied " by your eyes they have a lot life in them in a homunculus that was made a year ago " . She looked amazed by my statem, I then added "and judging by your hair I say your an Einzbern, am I wrong?" She shook her head no and said " I'm the current head of the family, I'm Ilya Von Einzbern" the girl with purple hair did a little bow and said" my name is Sokura Matou, its a pleasure to meet you" I then heard my father said "alright, you guys can meet and greet later now we get to work" I sighed and said "your so impatient" Lord El melloi II placed the Catalyst in the Circle and we got into position. we all got in front of our respective Circles and I asked "everyone knows what there doing?" They nodded and Ilya said "I can't wait to see Berserker again!" Sokura then said "I know, I can't wait to see rider either" Melloi nodded and I said "lets begin!" we all extended our hands to the Circles and we all said at the same time "Elements of silver and Iron, foundation of stone and the arch duke of packs, the color we Bestowed it Blue and Gray, closed the gates of the four sides, come forth from the crown and follow the forked round leading to the kingdom" the Circles started to glow bright and wind started to pick up and we said "if you yeth the grails call once more then come forth, our will is your body and your sword is our Destiny, once defeated hero's will raise there weapons once more for The grail, we made our Oaths and forged our bonds, we rise from the ashes of rebirth and heed the call once more" the wind in the room flowed Violently and our hands started to glow red and we finished "we speak under Guidance of Zelretch!, gladed in the seventh heaven!, we asked to come forth Guardians of the scale!" . the wind burst forth and a bright light filled the room and once it died down fourteen people are kneeling in the Circles and they said "we asked of you, are you our masters?" . Once everything was done I saw Melloi walk up to Alexander the great and then bowed in front of him and said "my king, welcome back" everyone Paused by this even the servants unknowing what to do right now, Alexander looked at him and he said "have I seen you somewhere before?" Waver looked up with teary eyes knowing he's crying of happiness, Alexander then have a look of Realization and he gave a huge grin and he said "Waver Velvet!" He then grabbed him and started hugging him and said "my boy!, its great to see you!" I unfortunately for them Interrupted this moment and said "we dont have time for this, save it for later" He looked to me and then everyone else and he noticed one of the sabers and he said "king of Knights, its bing fare to long" saber looked to him and she said "rider, its good to see you but" looking to the other spirits and she continued "we need to save this for later, we need to know what's going on" my father then said to everyone "heroic spirits!, Of the fourth and fifth holy grail wars, and those who aren't from them, you where summoned for one thing!, My Entertainment!" at that moment everyone besides the spirits sweat dropped at what my father said.
                                        The caster of the fifth said" I want to know why we are here, and dont say for your entertainment " the archer I replaced for the Gray faction the goddess who was refused by Gilgamesh, Ishtar said "I want to know as well" I find it odd that she looks like Rin Tosakah from the Fifth, my father then said " ok, in Romania, a group of mages has separated from the clock tower and have summoned heroic spirits and the Clock tower are going to summon seven more spirits to fight them so im going to make things interesting " Ilya then said "your adding fourteen more spirits to fight against them to gain the greater grail" he smiled and said "yes" all of them seemed to me interested and caster said "so after we Defeat both sides we all go to war with each other" the Berserker of the forth which is clear of the madness that was added to his summoning during the forth war, then said "it feels like that's not it" my father smirked and said "how did you know?" The archer of the blue faction then said "you have the same air as of a court mage I once know" I smiled and had a scary thought of him and Merlin teaming up and Judging by the look of Alters face she has the same idea. My father then said "once the war is over, the survivors will get there wish granted" all of them where shocked and I just smiled. Everyone was quite then both sabers of both factions came up to him and they both said at the same time "we Accept" he smiled and said "now before I send you all off I believe meeting your allies is the right move now" they all agreed some with a little Hesitation. I lead them all to a meeting room where each faction stand on either side of the table, except for three, the three knights of the round table, Lancelot, Tristen, and Artoria, aka saber, aka Arthur, the two Knights bowed to there king, Trusted then said "my king I'm glad to see you" Saber smiled and said "yes, I'm glad to see you again Sir Tristan and you too Lancelot" he looked sadden and Artoria said "I'm sorry" they both shot up and before they continued I interupted them and said "we don't have much time so I'm going to start, My name is (Y/N) Zelretch Schweinorg, the son of the vampire we all know right next to me is my bodyguard and close friend, Alter" Alter then said "as my name Suggest I'm an Alter Class Servent, meaning I'm the Alter ego of a Servent" Sakura raised her hand and asked "why are we here talking?" I replied "well my father wanted all of you to introduce yourselfs to each other".
                                       Most of the servents protests this, mainly Caster, I then said" I know but we all know my father and its best we know, besides some of us know our identitys already " those who Objected stopped after I stated that they calmed down. I then said "we'll start with the Blue faction and then the Gray, now lets start in order, saber" I motioned her to go first, she Stand up and said "ok, ill go first, my true name is Artoria Pendragon, king of Knights" everyone besides me, Alter, rider of gray, and assassin of blue where surprised and Caster said "your telling me that I had the most powerful sword at my Fingertips!" I nodded and then Caster went next "my name is Madea" everyone nodded then the lancer got up and said "well if everyone else is doing it, I'm Cu Chulainn and your lancer" the huge hunk of mountain known as Berserker Roared loudly and everyone didn't understand what he ment and Ilya then said "he's Hercules the Berserker, and I'm Ilya Von Einzbern but my family calls me tiny murder Machine" The assassin stood up next and he said "I'm Sasaki Kojirou, thoe I'm only a rathe that used his Legend to gain a form"  he and Caster then glared at each other like they where ready to kill each other. The Rider of blue went next and she said "if I don't have a choice, I'm one of the three Gorgon sisters, I'm Medusa" I was actually surprised by that thoe she was killed quickly in the war. Last but not least our new archer, he rose up and said "I'm Sir Tristan of the round table and my masters archer" That was all of the servents of blue now its the servents of gray turn, there rider gave a booming laugh and said "fantastic, fine Ally's to fight with, ill start, I am Iskandar!, King of Conquerors!" The Romans of the room quickly recognized his name and was Immediately surprised. The saber of Gray stood up proudly and said " its an honor to meet you Iskandar, I am Nero Claudius the fifth Emperor of our great Roma!" He looked at her and he laughed and said "its a pleasure a new king to add to our Banquet and is of my Countrymen!, hahaha!" Someone Cleared there throat and we looked to see the girl that looks like Rin, She then said " if you are done its my turn, I am Ishtar the Goddess of war and Sexual Love" everyone was impressed not by her but the fact that we summoned an actual Goddess, to be honest I'm proud of myself for that summoned.  Then the Knight got up and said "my name is Sir Lancelot, your Berserker" the lancer was next and he said " I'm Diarmuid Na Duibhne, and I got to say I'm enjoying the view" I can tell he's using a charm and I said "stop using your charm on us" he shrugged his shoulders and said "heh, worth a try" he sat down and the to what I assume is the assassin she bowed and said "I'm the Hassan of the hundred faces" she sat back down and the last Servent came next " I'm the Caster of the group, I'm Leonardo Da Vinci " I was actually shock and Gray asked "I thought Leonardo Da Vinci was a guy?" She then answered "I wanted my form to be my Vision of   Beauty" I coughed and I got there attention.
                                         Once everyone's attention is on me and I then said "ok now everyone has introduced each other ill get to basics, we have a total of four masters" I pointed to Lord El Milloi II and he said "my old name was Waver Velvet but nowadays I go by Lord El Milloi ii, I was in the 4th war" I pointed to Ilya and she said "I was a master in the 5th" I then pointed to Sakura and she said "I'm Sakura I was Technically the master of rider in the 5th,  please don't ask me about it" I nodded and I said "and I'm the master for the rest, we will also have Alice to help us mainly because we only have four masters, those Alice are Gray" she stand up and bowed and I continued "and Reines El Melloi" she got up and did a Curtsey. I then motion Alter to give each Servent a folder and I said "well be heading to Romania, there is a city the black faction rules and use as there Domain" everyone looked at the information of the city that father provided and I said "unfortunately we don't have information on the masters or servents but do know one master, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia he was a master in the 3rd holy grail war and Obtain the greater grail" Gray raised her hand and asked "how did he get it?" I replied "the Nazis" everyone was silent and was probably wasn't expecting my answer and Reines said "what?" I sighed and said "he tricked the Germans into getting the holy grail for him, so to answer your question all this is because Nazis" after that everyone was quite until Artoria asked "may I ask, why are some Servents missing?" I replied "because of three reasons, 1. We couldn't get the Counter guardian because the counter force was using him now, 2. For some reason we can't get Gilgamesh for some reason, and 3. The caster of the fourth should be Obvious" the servents who battled him against him understood why. Caster then said "I have to ask, what's in it for us?" I know what that vampire said but I want to know-" I didn't let her finish her sentence and I said "my father helped make the grail so making one is a minor detail to me and my father" he was silenced by my logic and I said "if that's all then I suggest we'll be on our way" the Cu got up and said "I want my wish to be a fight against me and that archer, I want that too be clear" Caster shot her head to Cu and shouted "oh no you dont!, I get first dibs on that dame Archer!!!!"  I nodded and after I calm down Caster I said "yes, you just need to survive the war and as an added bonus for all of you, I can maintain your forms Permanently"  both Casters where shocked by this and Da Vinci asked "how is that possible?!" I answered "I can a Unique ability to Absorb mana from my surrounding area along with the magic Kaleidoscope I can have an Infinite amount of Mana" everyone was shocked by this statement and it somehow Strengthen there Resolve.
                                          We got to the summoning room and my father is there waiting for us since he summoned his chair, he was holding a wrapped object and he said "about time, king of Knights come here". She stepped forward and he unwrapped it and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing the Scabbard of Avalon, Excalibur's Sheath that was said to be lost was in his hands. He handed it to Artoria and the other Knights of the roundtable where also shocked by this, my father then said" I thought it will be more entertaining to watch you fight at full strength " I went to him and I put him in a head lock and I asked "you took that from his grave didn't you?" He kept tapping my arm and he said "is this anyway to treat your father" I then said coldly "if your my father then yes" everyone sweet dropped and Alter sighed and Diarmuid pointed his yellow spear at me and asked "is this normal?" Alter sighed again and said "ya this happens between him and the old fart" everyone sighed and I let him go. Artoria then asked "where did you find Avalon?" I only said "ill explain later" I looked to my father and I said "I think we are ready father" he gave a wicked smirk and said "yes, ill open a portal" and he snapped his fingers and we before the first Servent went threw he then told us "oh, also I made it so if someone asked your servents name they have to say it" everyone looked at him with a WTF look and I gave my bloodlust out and so did Alter and I said "stab him" she took out her sword and said "with pleasure" my father was sweating Bullets and just before Alter stabbed him he moved the portal to take all of us threw it and as I was going threw the portal I thought "things are going to be interesting" we then landed in Romania and by land I mean land on top of each other into a big pile.

(A/N: here you go guys really sorry for the delay, I was mostly thinking of an original summoning spell and it took a bit to think of something so I hope you guys love it.)

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