Chapter 2

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                                  3rd person POV

                                          In the Black faction castle the masters of Black have summoned there servents, there saber Siegfried the knight who killed the evil dragon and his master is Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia. There archer Chiron the Tutor of many Greek heroes and his master Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia, there Berserker is Frankenstein's monster and her master is the brother of Fiore, Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia. There Rider Astolfo one of the twelve knights of Charlemagne and his master is Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia, there Caster is the golem master Avicebron and his young master Roche Frain Yggdmillennia, and last but not least there lancer the the once great and feared king of Romania Vladimir Dracula Tepesh III or also known as Blad the Impaler and his master Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia.  They have just finished introducing them selfs to each other and they where about to leave until a big Puff of smoke appeared and when it disapaded all that was there is a letter address to the Yggdmillennia clan. Everyone was looking at the letter until Vlad ordered Darnic "Darnic pick it up and see what is saids" he bow and started walking to it and picked it up and then he opened it and started reading what was on it and for each word he grew paler and paler. The masters and servents notice this and Fiore was the first to ask "Uncle Darnic, what's wrong?" He then went back to Vlad's Side again and handed him the letter and after reading it he Crumple it up and said to everyone "masters and servents of Black we unfortunately have a change in plans" Astolfo was the first to asked "what do you mean?" Vlad motioned Darnic to explain "it seems that Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg has token Upon him self to make the war more entertaining" every master in the room gulped and Celenike then asked "what do you mean?" Vlad answered her question "he and his son have summoned fourteen more servents to fight" everyone was on alert after hearing this and the mages of the room where surprised that the dead Apostle has a son. Gordes then said "just great!, before we only had to worry about the red faction but now we have two more groups to worry about!" Vlad raised his hand and he said "calm down Gordes, he did gave us a handy cap, we asked the names of the servents and they shall give it to us, even if they want to or not" a few of the masters sighed in relief and  Roche then raised is hand and asked "do you think there casters are stronger then Teacher?, no offense teacher" Avicebron only nodded his head and said "its alright Roche, and he has a point" Darnic and Vlad thought about it and Vlad ordered "we need to increase security, we don't know our enamys so its best to be Cautious" they all nodded and they had left leaving only Vlad and Darnic to themselves. Vlad slammed his Fist into the arm of the chair and said "Damn it!, we need to re Strategize now" Darnic thought the same thing and was thinking of a strategy.
                                            In a church fare away from the Yggdmillennia castle we see the assassin of Red passing back and forth while her master Shiro Kotomine was trying to calm her down "its ok Semiramis" she snapped back "its not ok!, 60 years of planning is going down the drain because that vampire was bord!" Shiro then said "I know but its just a minor obstacle and besides we do get one advantage, also keep your voice down, sabers master could be here any minute" she calmed down and said "ok so what are we going to do with these new factions?" He shrugged his shoulders and said "its best to wait till sabers master comes" just then Semiramis felt something enter her bounded field and she said "master it appears sabers master is here" he nodded  and she went into her spirit form. The doors opened and the master of saber Kairi Sisigou after he walked in they disgust things with both servents coming out of spirit form, Kairi was about to leave until Shiro said "wait, there's still two things left to talk about" he arched his brow and asked "and what's that?" Shiro then said "are you Familiar with Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg?" He replied "ya who hasn't" Shiro nodded and said "him and his son have summoned fourteen more servents to this war" Kairi went to one of the Pews to sit and said "well that's a problem" the saber of red aka Mordred then said "so more people to fight, great" Shiro then said "I've also heard rumors that his son's bodyguard is an Alter class Servent" Kairi arched his brow and asked "ok what's an Alter?" He answered "it basically the alter ego of a Servent, basically like a corrupted copy of one, its mostly the opposite of there personality and legend" he just sighed after hearing about this and he said "I need a smoke" he then got up and started to walk out before stopping and saying "oh, what's that second thing?" Shiro replied "I kinda need Groceries" Kairi sighed and opened the doors and said "ya ya, ill have my familiar send you my fax address" Kairi then walked out  of the church heading to his hide out.
                                           As for the servents of Blue, Gray, and there masters have just fell out of the portal and each one had mix expressions. Iskandar, Saber, Lancelot, Diarmuid, and Nero are preparing for the war, while Madea, Ishtar, Tristan, and Da Vinci where in despair after hearing the handy cap. While the others are Indifferent, the master, well one out of the four masters are in despair Lord El-Melloi ii was sulking with the other servants, the leader of the group (Y/N) clapped his hands and said " alright everyone I think it's our best interest to make a game plan" all but the sulkers are gathered in a circle. He then said "ok we need to take the first step, so Madea can you make a map?" She got up and went into the circle and caster her magic to make a map of Romania and on one end you can see black dots gathered in one spot and There are six red dots on the other with one in a graveyard and in the center are several blue and gray dots she then said "I also marked where there are servents" (Y/N) nodded and he said "so any ideas?" Madea then said " I Suggest me and caster of Gray focus on building a base of operations before we do anything else" Nero then intervened "I suggest we look there because one of the reds are moving " everyone turned to see a red dot moving towards a gold dot that was moving on a road and Sakura said "could that gold dote be the administrator?" El-Melloi got over his sulking and he then joined us and said " this may be a good chance to see what kind of servent the red faction has, plus it might just earn us a favor with the administrator" . (Y/N) nodded with this then it is sabers turn to give an idea and she said" thow I agree with the master of rider but I suggest while we save them we send our assassins to spy on the Black faction " Madea then said "we shouldn't waste our resources on this plus we could lost one or two of our servents !" The assassin of Blue smirked and said "if the wrench doesn't like it then I agree with it" Iskander smiled and said "then it's decided " Alter then said "we do need a base" after that we kept discussing this and it was leading nowhere.
                                   It escalated to mainly Saber, Kojiro, and Madea argue about what should we do first all the while the (Y/N) and Alter watch as the red servant got closer. Then a loud roar came out of berserker and that got everyone's attention, he then crabbing saber and brought her next to Nero then he went to (Y/N) and picked him up and brought him to the two sabers. He then grabbed Kojiro and brought him to Hassan, Medusa, and Tristan, he then grabbed Madea and dropped her right next to the two lancers, Ishtar, da Vinci, Iskander, and Lancelot then he sat down with them and roared again. Everyone was confused by this but illya then translated " berserker separated everyone into teams so we can do all of the plans" Gray then asked "you can understand him?" She nodded with a smile and (Y/N) dusted himself off and said "well now that's decided we should head out ,Madea, da Vinci I hope you can make a good base" Da Vinci then said "don't worry master with my genius we can make it easily " Madea then grew a smirk on her face and said "and I already have an idea in mind" he nodded and the two teams that where heading out left. The group that was tasked with rescuing the administrator where rushing to there side as fast as the three of them can, your wondering why three well Alter is seen carrying (Y/N) bridal style.
                         By the side of the road we see a blond woman get off a truck and once that truck left a man on a round sign made his presence know, he his an extremely pale man with a red stone in his chest carrying a big sun like spear. He charged at the woman making a huge dust cloud in the collision, she jumped out of the way and turned into her heroic spirit form because this woman is the holy grail war's administrator Ruler. Ruler then said "Lancer of red, son of Syria the sun god, you must be Karna (A/N: please let me know if I'm spelling this wrong) " Karna then let out a oh and Ruler continued "I am the administrator of the holy grail war Jeanne d'arc, do you understand by baring your fangs at me?" He replied "it is unwise to asked about something which you all ready know the answer, it should be quite obvious my presence is a declaration of war" Jeanne then asked "what is your purpose for wanting to dispose of me?" Karna answered "I do not my master command me as per our contract I simply act as instructed and if I don't I won't get mana for a week so"(A/N: if there's an abridged you dame well know I will quote it!) Karna raised his spear and lit it up with his power and Jeanne got into a fighting stance while Karna prepared to strike with all that he has but before he can do it saber of Black Sigfried attacked him under orders of her master. Karna then said "you must be saber of black or are you not?" Sigfried replied "I'm saber of black and you?" Jeanne then said "he is lancer of red" Karna then said to Sigfried "well that will only mean your ejective is also the ruler" Gordes then said "that was a close on Ruler, I've come her to welcome you" Ruler then asked "I take it you are sabers of Blacks master?" He nodded and said "that is correct I am Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia it's a pleasure to meet you" He then turned to Karna and said "now lancer of red, we have arrived here just in time to clearly witness you trying to murder Ruler" Karna then said "I will not denie it but now that the black faction is here with four servants I must resume with you four" .
                                 At that moment Gordes looked confused and said "I have archer on stand by just in cases of the worst but we only brought two" the two servants and the master grow tense and Karna said "then who are the other two over in the field". Everyone there turned to the open field as the clouds separated to reveal the moonlight and the moonlight shinned on two figures standing one in blue and on in red and the red one said "Well comrade of Blue they finally noticed us!" The one in blue then said "agreed comrade of Gray" . The car behind Gordes opened to reveal to homunculus maids rushing to open a wheelchair and help Fiore into it and she said "archer we need you!" Chron appeared and readied his bow towards the two servants and After a minute they started walking closer to the road but stopped in ear shot from the others an arrow was shot at the ground and Chron said "that's fair enough servants of blue and Gray" Jeanne then said "Servants of Blue and Gray I am the administrator of this holy grail war and I am aware on why you are here and I demand you state your identity's " Saber hesitated and a power like a command seal came over her but before she could talk Nero spoke first "I am the emperor of the Roman Empire!, I am Nero Claudius!" She truck a pose and the master where shock to learn that the made emperor of Rome is there enemy. Then Saber spoke to shock them even further" my name is Artoria Pendragon King of Knights " this information shocked the masters even further knowing there enemy is the wielder of excalibur. Karna looked at Siegfried and the two kings and he said "it looks like it's going to be a four way battle " Nero then corrected " at last I'm not the one to fight you that right belongs to my comrade of Blue" Saber reveled her sword to everyone given they already know there name and saber said "and the witch" .
Just then someone kicked his side sending him back a few feet but he quickly got up and took a fighting stance but who was in front of him confused him. The one who attacked him looked like Ruler but her armor is black and her skin and hair was paler but he looked back to the road to see Ruler is still there, Fiore then sensed magic coming this way and she shouted "Archer!" He quickly grabbed his master and moved her away from the Gander that was aimed at her. Gorges then shouted "Fiore!, are you ok?!" She replied "I'm ok Gorges" archer turned his gaze to the one who shot at his master and this man looked exactly like a homunculus. Gorges looked at the homunculus and he angry shouted "you there!, you dare turn against your masters!" Fiore then said "Gorges this is not the ones we took with us!" He looked at the homunculus closely and as a mage who makes them this isn't one of the ones he made, he was also dressed nicer then the other ones. He can also see two swords on his hip and he can clearly see a gun strapped to his hip, Chron then said "I believe you are there master" he nodded and said "yes I am".

                                     (Y/N)'s POV

                                                     I looked at the sean before me and I can tell there archer is angry at me but at least I only shot at the car door then the girl in the chair. I then bowed and I said "greetings masters and servants of Black, and servant of red and of course it's an honor to meet you Lady Jeanne " she looked at me and she said "I believe your the dead apostles son" I nodded and said "my name is (Y/N) Zelretch Schweinorg Lord of the Clocktower" Gorges was stunned by the fact that Zelretch's son is a homunculus. Lancer of red then said "I'm tired of waiting" he then charged at Saber of black and he blocked the blow and send a strike to Karna then there weapons locked but it was broken by a strong gust of wind that came from saber. As the three servants where fighting Chron fired a arrow at Saber but it was blocked by a blood red sword and Nero said "not so fast Black archer, like I told the red lancer I was not the fighter but the defense from either a lancer or you" Chron then looked at me and he said "clever move" I replied "I figured with our presents you can't afford to send one of your top tear servants without backup" . Ruler then marched up to me and she asked "i want answers Hier of kaleidoscope, how are there two of me?" The wheelchair bound girl then asked "I want to know too" I replied "among the regular servants there are other classes of rare ones like the ruler what you see is of the Altered class or Alter if you like" Gorges then shouted "I demand you explained this more" I shot him a glare and he stiffened a little and I said "what you see is the witch that was burned at the stake, the fires of revenge of a crime that was blamed on you, she is the anger, the anguish, and pain you and others felt the day you died, the Witch of Orléans" I looked to the fight and I saw the three servants still fighting but saber had a disadvantage.
Just then fire was seen separating red and black from saber and Alter charged her flag at red while saber charged at black. It was a fierce battle and it raged on for hours until they all just stopped and I know why, it's sunrise, I then heard black say "a magic lace Pierce through my armor that technique, that legend, that hardship I pay you my respects lancer of red, and as for you saber and Alter the both of you earned it as well" Saber then said " I can clearly tell you are a knight of some renown and you honored by not holding back you have mine as well" blacks master then said "your not going to interfere Karna is your enemy isn't he" Ruler replied "I simply cannot interfere with a battle between servants " Blacks master was angry and he shouted "Show yourself master of red !, I'll take you on myself you magest Association dog!, your watching aren't you!, your watching aren't you!" His voice echoed and he started muttering to himself. I walked up to the car and I saw to homunculus maids and I told them to open the window and they did and I asked "did I hurt you?" One of them replied "everything is functioning properly " I nodded and I walked over to the girl in the wheelchair and I can see she's on guard and so is her servant and I asked "I'm sorry I shot at you I meant the car door, my I know your name?" She replied "Fiore " I replied " it's a plesiosaur to meet you" I got close to grab her hand gently and I kissed it surprising the servant and master who had a light blush on. I turned back to the battle and I heard the now named Karna saying "well at this rate all we be clashing swords till sunrise, while I maybe alright with that it seemed that blacks master has had enough " black, Alter, and Saber relaxed and black said "my only wish is that our next encounter with you three I hope we can fight each other to our hearts content" Karna replies "yes, I hope so as well, I'm deeply greatfull my first fight was with the three of you" Alter clicked her tongue and said "well count me out, my main job is to guard my master so unless he says other wise I'm out"black and Karna nodded in understanding and Saber said "I hope we go all out as well" Karna then started to vanish then Ruler said "Lancer of Red do not leave yet" he then disappeared. I then walked up to the servants that where fighting along with the others and Nero, I looked to Alter to see she has a small cut on her cheek but it was bleeding, I came to her and I pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and I disinfected it and I put a bandaid on it. Black saw this and he asked "we servants can heal faster then normal humans so why did you do that?" I replied honestly " because I love her and I don't want her bewitching body to be stained with her own blood" Black blinked probably not expecting an answer that honest, the weman of the group besides Nero had blushes and the last thing I know I was punched in the head hard.

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