I Won't Let Go

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The ginger sighed as he was standing on the crowded sidewalk of Yokohama. It was rush hour. So there were people running to work and kids running off to school. Teenagers catching breakfast with their friends before the first period. That's how his life should be. But it was stolen ruthlessly from him. And the shitty part is the good memories he might have. He doesn't remember them anyway. That's why he was standing here. Debating. If he even wanted to do this. Did it matter? Would it change anything? Did they even miss him? Maybe by now they had other children. And he was just a long forgotten memory. He was fiddling with his fingers as he thought. There was no point to uproot their life now. By now, they have grieved and to reopen that old wound is selfish. He looked at the woman and the man inside the coffee shop one last time and he turned his back to walk away.

For Nakahara Hana, it was a typical morning. She got dressed. She put on her makeup. Made sure she had everything she needed for work. Brushed out her long curly ginger hair, and as every morning her and her husband, Nakahara Kansuke, went down to the local coffee shop to have breakfast before they split ways. But this morning, it would change her life. Kansuke ordered them the usual at the coffee shop. This morning it was definitely her turn to pay. She pulled out her wallet, and her debit card, and handed it to the cashier. Hana looked at the photo in her wallet and she gently rubbed her finger over it. God... did she miss him so much. Years ago her son went missing, and a few years after she found out he was dead. Knowing her little boy died alone, scared, and she was sure wanting nothing more than her broke her heart every time. It always brought tears to her eyes, that little boy was her world. And he was snatched away from her in the blink of an eye. She never healed from it, you never heal from a loss like that. And she never had another. She just couldn't. Hana had lost faith they were capable of keeping another child safe. Hana sighed and she took her card back. Hana and her husband stood over by the window.

"What's wrong?" Kansuke asked. He could tell she was thinking.

"Don't you ever wonder what really happened?"

Kansuke sighed. "Hana not this again."

"Kansuke be realistic, you don't think this is all weird?? Two men just come to our door and tell us our baby is dead. But we never saw a body, Jesus we didn't even get to bury him Kansuke!"

"They said-"

"I know what they told us but it's a crock of shit and you know it! What if he is still out there...? Don't you ever-"

"He's dead Hana! Let it go!"

Hana looked at him angered. "I will NEVER give up or let it go. Maybe you're so accepting of it... but I'm not. You didn't carry that boy for 9 months; felt his kicks or little hands; you didn't breastfeed him or have to rock him to sleep every night-"

"He was my son too!"

"You sure don't act like it." She said annoyed.

Their number was called and Kansuke went to go get it rather irritated. Hana looked out the window trying to calm down. It was rush hour out so there was quite a bit of people out. But what Hana could pick out from the crowd made her eyes widen. It was a young boy. Not too far away. He looked maybe fifteen or sixteen, and he was looking over this way. Hana took in his features. His curly ginger hair, sapphire blue eyes, his porcelain skin, the freckles she could clearly see dusting over his cheeks and nose. It was like time froze for her, because deep down. She knew she was not wrong. She used to stare at that little face everyday. No matter how big he's gotten a mother always knows her baby. Hana dropped everything and she rushed out of the coffee shop. Her eyes widened as the boy was turning his back. No! She couldn't let him slip away again! Hana ran as fast as she could, she pushed through people. She could see the top of his head a little. Hana wouldn't let him get away. Not again!

Dazai saw as the ginger was walking up to him. "Well did you go speak with them?

He shook his head. "I didn't have the heart to... I just-"


His and Dazai's eyes widened as they heard a woman's voice. She came up to them and she was out of breath. Hana couldn't help it. She grabbed his hand and she cupped his cheek looking at him.

"Oh my god... it's you!"

Chuuya denied it. "Let go lady! You're mistaking me for someone else!"

Chuuya said, trying to pull away but she had a tight grip. "No I am not! I know you! You may have aged but I can pick that face out of the crowd! I know my baby!"

"Hana! Jesus christ, get off this kid!" Kansuke went to pull her away.

"Fuck off!" She elbowed him and yelled. "Look at his face! Don't you see it?!"

"Right now all I see you doing is scaring a kid and acting like a mad woman!" Kansuke snatched her off. But she smartly grabbed some of the shedded strands of Chuuya's hair off his jacket.

"I'm sorry kid. Both of you get out of here."

Dazai grabbed Chuuya and he took him away with him.

"Get off me!" She shrugged him off. "He's our son... and I am going to fucking prove it with this." She said as she had 3 hair strands. Hana walked away determined to find out the truth.

"Hana! Hana!"

She ignored him. No one would stop her. Not this time.

To Be Continued...

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