The Truth

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Adah P.O.V

After my mom left to the store I got up and started heading into her room to look for my phone so I could text Julie and let her know that I was coming . I reached up on the shelf in her closet and a box fell , I picked it up and there was pictures and paperwork scattered all over the place .

As I was putting the pictures and paperwork back I looked and saw a picture of my mom in the hospital holding a baby with her head down covering the baby's face . I picked up another picture and saw a picture of my mom and this man , the more I looked at the pictures I realized the child in these pictures looks nothing like us .

When I looked at the paperwork I realized it was a paternity test for someone named Malayshia and a man named Damon the test said 999.99 , my mom is keeping secrets but I can't confront her or I'm gonna get in trouble .

Just as I was about to put the box back there she was looking at me with tears in her eyes 

Naomi P.O.V 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING "She dropped the box from the sound of my voice , I promised myself to never go in that box ever again it's just not a happy time in my life . I don't want my kids to look at me differently .

There was a moment of silence before she saw the look on my face and finally answered .

"Honestly I just came to get my phone but the box fell and when I was putting the things back in the box I couldn't  help but to look at the pictures and I may have looked at the paternity test ."

"So you came in MY room to get the phone that got TAKEN  from YOU  for misbehaving then you proceeded to look through MY STUFF"I was so pissed off , I could barely control my anger.


"HELL NO I DON'T WANT YOU TO SAY SHIT TO ME RIGHT NOW"I yelled getting more and more upset looking at this .

"GO TO YOUR ROOM AND PACK YOUR BAGS ENOUGH FOR A WEEK" I need some time away from her.

When she fully exited the room I closed the closet door not even bothering to clean up the mess , I called one of the strictest people I know .


"Hey what's wrong "

"Can Adah stay with you for awhile "

"Yea but what happened "

"I'll fill you in on it later"

One Hour Later 

"I can't believe she did that "

"Any way thank you for taking her for the week "

"No problem "

I hung up the phone grabbed my laptop purchasing her plane ticket , I'm gonna have my mom fly with her . 

At The Airport

"Mom where am I going" Adah asked sitting waiting for her flight to be called 

"You're staying with auntie b -

"NO "

"Don't be trying to make a scene , I gave her a list of things you are not allowed to have while out there but you can still play with your cousins "I know bey doesn't play when it comes to this type of thing she's one of the only people that know about what's in that box .

"Flight 145536 to Houston Texas "

"That's ya'll " I said getting up to hug Adah and my mom

"I love you " Adah said with tears in her eyes making it hard for me to let her go but she has to learn her lesson and this is the best way to do it plus I need to calm down about this whole situation .

"I love you too baby "


    The house was so quite without any kids here , I walked into my room and looked in the closet to find the box on the floor right where I left it , I picked up a picture of Malayshia and him .

February 14th 2012

"Damon please don't " I cried and pleaded  as my boyfriend of 2 years was holding a knife at our daughters throat .

" Say you'll be with me forever " he said putting the knife closer to her throat 

"I'll be with you forever just please don't hurt her "tears streaming down my face I couldn't stop them

He put her back down in her crib but not before stabbing her once in the stomach 

I screamed at the top of my lungs , immediately calling the police .

Present Time 

To make a long story short he got arrested , my daughter was basically dead but some how she survived but I couldn't risk this happening again no , never  so I gave her to someone I trusted with my life . She knows I'm her mother I raised her as best as I could while being away , she knows about her siblings she knows what happened to them and she knows what happened with her father , and my baby is happy  she's healthy and she loves singing , after all that  I just started calling her mi milagro that's spanish for miracle cause that's what she is a miracle .

Chris P.O.V

"DADDY I'M HUNGRY " Royalty yelled jumping up and down on my bed 

"Roro get down so I can get up and make you something to eat" She hurried up and got off the bed running to the kitchen , I couldn't shake the thought of the girl I saw at the club last month I have never felt this way about anyone .

"What would you like for me to make for you " I asked even tho I already know what she wants 

"Waffles " she said excitedly  

"Coming right up " I said as if we were in a restaurant 

We were singing and dancing and eating breakfast  when I heard the doorbell .

"Stay here roro " Answering the door I saw that it was my old friend spencer  

"What you doin here bro " I said dabbing him up 

"I'm here to pick up the money "he said holding his hand out waiting for my last payment 

"Ight " I went in my pocket and got out 300,000 dollars and handed it to him 

"Tell coop I said hi and I'm out " 

"I will " he said walking away getting into his car driving off 

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