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Title: Pity and guilt

A man that sits on the streets.

The man only gets pity from the rich.

They were the most polished of shoes and the finest of silks.

The gold that decorates the shackles they wear.

But that is what they bought.

The rich bought the guilt. 

Though the poor man is free from any chains and silks. 

Oh but how much he wanted to be tied up with the silks and chains.

And oh, but how much the rich would rather be poor and be free.

The poor man may wait, and be patient and wait until the moon faze will complete. 

While the rich get closer and closer to the edge of their seats while they wait for their freedom. 

It will happen.

The rich to poor.

The poor to rich.

When it happens all will be satisfied, or at least for a while. 

Soon the poor will want to be rich again, and the rich will want to be poor once more.

And the gods will let the vicious cycle continue. 

The poor man gets pity, and the rich man buys his guilt.

That is how it will always be. 

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