The Hero & The Beast

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It was twenty minutes later when a crack of twigs in the tree line made Niki stand from her seat at the fire.

John drew his sword, standing ready to swing should the opportunity arise. Voices crept through the trees as six figures came to a stop at the treeline.

"It's alright John, I brought friends." Came a soft feminine voice. John sheathed his sword, as Niki and Robin moved further from the campfire.

"Kalen?" Niki questioned as they all entered the camp, through the boulders.

Maggie came first, flinging her arms around Niki in a long hug. "Oh my stars, we thought you were left behind for a moment there." She whispered.

"Thought the same for you guys." Niki responded, picking a stray leaf from Maggies now brown hair, the blonde had almost faded completely.

Kalen came through next, followed by Lia, Charlie and what Niki could only assume to be Lady Marian and Much, a young boy of about twelve years of age.

"Will!" The boy exclaimed, running into Wills arms, who lifted Much into the air before setting him back down onto his feet.

"Agh, getting heavy, Much. You might be able to lift a sword soon." Will said, peering down at the kid.

"I've already asked John to teach me. He said he was busy." Much pulled a face and stuck his tongue out at John, who was now smirking.

"I was busy. The kid caught me at the wrong time, Will." He muttered, poking the fire with a stick. William rolled his eyes at him, much to the amusement of the little boy.

"Enough you three." Snapped Marian as she made her way towards Robin, her dress was a simple white with dark green lace-up front and a long leather belt. "I'll teach Much." She said.

"Who are these people, Marian?" Robin asked as he glanced towards the teenagers.

"They're my friends." Niki spoke up, "I was looking for them, remember." She said.

"So you were, Lady Nikita. But what were you doing wandering around the woods, to begin with?" He asked.

"We were. . . Travelling. We are adventurers." Niki stated, Maggie and Lia nodded.

"Dressed like that?" Asked Marian, as she gestured to Niki and Lia's dresses.

"Stole them." Lia sputtered. "Straight from a carriage." She nudged Maggie who stopped gawking at her and nodded.

"It was a very easy target. G-gave the money to the nearest town." Charlie gave a nervous smile.

Robin and Marian stared at them for a minute, before a smile grew on their faces and they burst out laughing.
"It is always wonderful when we meet like-minded people." He chuckled.

"But also very rarely happens," Marian added. "Do you have a camp?" She asked.

"No, we just reached. . . Nottinghamshire today." Maggie said.

"Very well, you may stay with us." She rejoiced, placing more logs into the fire.
"Allen will help you get settled." She frowned at the man with the instrument, who was now fast asleep on the tree roots. Definitely drunk.

She flashed a brief smile at Niki and took John's sword from his sheath. "I'm using this." She snapped when John went to object. She handed the sword to Much and drew her own from her belt.

Niki watched Kalen from the corner of her eye. He had noticeably stiffened at the sound of metal clinking together as Swords clashed.

"You want to go for a walk Kal?" Lia asked, she too had noticed his change in demeanour.

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