Steadily we go down

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(A/N: possible TW. Hints at abuse, PTSD and strong language in this chapter).

Niki was down at the creak, collecting water with Marian when she heard it. How the wind settled and the birds stopped their singing.

They were being watched again. She could feel it. A whole week had passed since the beast took Allan and not much had prevailed.

Little John had suggested the group barter for information, perhaps some rich Lords would know of a place but it was more likely to be one of poverty to know any information on the beast seeing as gossip tended to travel faster and further in the working class.

Then Marian had suggested they attend the Fair, a big gathering the Lords and King throws every summer to flaunt their wealth. She had said people from all over gather there, and some may even know of the beasts' whereabouts - should the rumours be believed.

Niki glanced to the other side of the creek where Marian was stood, a rotting wooden bucket in her arms, dripping fresh cold water to the dusty ground. Niki cleared her throat and casually dropped her hand to her ankle, crouching down to carefully remove the blade from her boot.

Marian caught her eye and gave the slightest nod of understanding, "Will and Maggie should be on their way now." She chirped, straightening her back and dropping her hand to the sword at her belt. Niki knew this was a lie, but perhaps it would scare them off. Whoever they were.

Niki grasped her blade tight, the metal warm from the skin of her ankle and now burning in her hand. She too straightened, hiding the weapon in the fabric of her skirts. "Perhaps we should meet them halfway?" She asked cautiously.

Marian gave a wary smile and nodded. The camp wasn't far, but it wasn't close enough for their fellow campmates to hear them scream. This revelation disturbed Niki somewhat. She cleared her throat again, a nervous habit she'd picked up from her uncle that fiercely annoyed Maggie, especially when she was reading.

Marian waded her way through the shallow part of the water, the bottom of her dress catching the stream as she hurried. Niki caught her arm and helped her over a large log. She put the bucket on the ground and nodded to Niki as she drew her sword, turning back to back.

"Show yourself!" Marian shouted, her patience already running thin from the fruitless search for Allen.

A rustling sound from the sloped ground to Nikis left, the sound of hurried footsteps in the leaves, then quiet. A moment later Much's face came into view. Niki and Marian sighed with relief.

"What in all nine levels of hell are you playing at, Kid!?" Niki snapped, loosening her grip on her blade, she had held it so tight, her hand was marred with red welts.

"Much, what have we said about sneaking around the woods alone? Especially now." Marian chided softly. She never could raise her voice at the young boy.

"I- I'm sorry Marian, but I wasn't creeping around honest! I was walking to camp when I heard you shout." He lifted his sword in gesture. It was new, they had the village blacksmith make him one much to John's disappointment; 'he's too young for a sword' he had muttered to Will.

Marian regarded him, her face hardening into a look of. . . Fear? Niki couldn't be sure. Marian nodded all the same and gestured to him to stay close anyways as they made the long track back to camp.

When they arrived, they were greeted by Thalia, who kindly took the heavy water bucket from Marian and placed it by the fire pit where- Much to Niki's surprise- Kalen was sat.

He had only just recovered from his injury. Though he still had a sore head, he wasn’t deathly pale anymore. He did, however, struggle to sleep.

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