Unless you're here to take our Bakugo blanket?

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During practice, me and J stayed pretty close to each other, it was weird talking to everyone at first, like deja vu.

" Hey Tssuki" I said as he walked up to me, he kind of gave me a weird look, I forgot that we weren't actually that close "Uh hi" he said and i nervously laughed " Uhm I heard Yamaguchi call you that - thought it was cute?" I said and he just stared at me.

" Okay well bye" I said and walked off back to J, when i got to her i slammed my head into her shoulder " I just did the stupidest thing"

"Oya? What was that?" J patted my head. I groaned and looked at her " This is funny to you?" I shouted and stomped away, her laughing behind me.

"IT DIDN'T HAPPEN RIGHT?" J yelled laughing. "Hey Kags tell her to calm down." She looked over at him and he just stared back confused. " why the hell would I do that?" he asked and J looked at me wide eyed

" HA!" I yelled at her, bending over and laughing. I walked over to Kageyama and slapped him on his back " Oh dude you have no idea how well we get along" I said to him and he just blinked at me.

"Gahhh I deserved that one." She pouted and Noya walked over to her. "What's funny Shortie?" He asked her, smiling. "O-oh nothing." She said looking over at me.

" You guys are acting so weird today" Tanaka said and I turned around to look at him, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder " How? No" I chuckled and leaned into him, his touch being kind of weird. " If you say so, practice is almost over so we will see you at lunch yeah?" Tanaka said and let go of me, I blinked a few times " Yep yep"

" J lets go" I reached my hand out for her, watching as Noya took her hand instead, I gasped and looked at him " hell no" I said and grabbed J from him.

"What? Why not I just wanted to walk her to class." He whined. "Noya I have to change out of my gym clothes first." J said shyly, loosening his grip from her hand.

" See you later!" I said to them as I pulled J out of the gym and towards the locker rooms. " Dude i can't do this" I said to her.

"I don't know how to act around Noya right now." J said as she closed the room door.

" Lets just get through this day, go home and get this shit out of our heads" I said and changed into my uniform, shoving my clothes into my bag.

"Yeah let's just get to class." J said opening the door, revealing Tanaka and Noya. "Hey we waited for you guys." Tanaka said and they both smiled. J pulled me close to her. "Well we don't wanna be late come on!" She said and hurried passed them. "Keep up you two!" She quickly looked back and gave a weak smile.


After school was over, my head was on my desk, lost in thought.

" hey you know I love you right" Kenma said to me as we watched the stars, I smiled and looked over at him " I love you too, can't believe it's been a year since we started dating, I couldn't be happier" I said to him, reaching over and gently kissing him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist.

I jumped up when I felt hands on my sides, I looked behind me and saw Tanaka smiling at me. " Still jumpy?" he said and gently kissed my temple. I nervously smiled and looked back down at my desk " A bit yeah, ready?" I asked him, pushing the memory, or not memory out of my head as I stood up.

" Yeah, I just stopped by to see if you were okay- and to ask you if you could get the trip forms from the office and bring them to practice with you" Tanaka asked and slowly moved his hands from my waist. " Yeah of course, i'll see you there" I said and waved to him as he walked out.

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