Chapter 21

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When we got home I went straight to bed Cameron climbed in beside me and wrapped his arm around me I put my head on his chest and we fell asleep.when I woke up Cameron wasn't there I got up and went into the kitchen to see Jessey and Cameron on the phone to someone "oky thanks sir so much"Jessey said while hanging up and jumping up and down so was Cameron "umm mind telling me what's going on "I said while Cameron ran up to me and hugged me "me,jessey and nash are going to be in a movie"he said with excitement "OMG"I said while I kissed him "I can't wait"Cameron said this was a big deal for Cameron and Jessey even though I couldn't go they would be away for a few weeks "the only problem is we'll be gone a few weeks and"Cameron said when I cut him of with a kiss "go its a really big deal and me and the baby will be here when you get back and I will Skype you and text"I said he gave me one big passionate kiss "I love you guys"he said with a smile "and we love you too"I said.jessey and Cameron got packed up and booked there tickets on line they were leaving tommorow so Jessey wanted to do a YouTube video she told us all to get in and we sat down .she started the recording and told everybody about the movie and that they were going to meet up with fans.we didnt tell them that I was pregnant because it would cause a lot of trouble we just said that my mum was sick and I had to look after her but that I would be there for the first week.when we were done the recording me,cameron,jessey and Amiele all sat down and watched a few movies we got a takeaway from dominos.we ate pizza and had wine well except from me I had water (poor gianna😜).after the movie we all fell asleep on the couch, I got up and packed my bags and got everything ready for tomorrow I sat back down on the couch with the others and fell asleep.

(4 weeks later)

It's been 3 weeks since I've been back from the movie set,Jessey and Cameron are in.they will be coming back today I'm so excited to see them Cameron wouldn't stop calling me 24/7 asking how me and the baby we're doing,i am 2 month pregnant today but luckily you can't really tell that I'm pregnant,I was in school today my first class was sphe yay fun 😕.we were learning all about baby's and how big your stomach would get.i cant believe how big you stomach gets luckily it's not showing, when the bell rang I raced of to my other class which was upstairs in the other building,my phone started ringing

"Hello"I said
"Hey Gianna it's Jessey I just wanted to say we're really close to home"Jessey said
"Yay I can't wait to see you guys but I have to go to my next class I'm gonna be late"I said
"Oky chat to you late bye"she said
"Bye"I said

I hung up and made my way to the top of the stairs at this stage everyone was in class when I got to the top of the stairs I was pinned against the wall by ZANE
"LET GO OF ME ZANE " I yelled he put his hand over my mouth "I heard you boyfriend was coming home"he said while pushing me harder against the wall "at this stage I know you love him to much so this is why I'm doing this " he said,before I could do anything he had pushed me down the stairs.i rolled down the stairs and hit the bottom I was in so much pain everywhere but all I could think about was the baby ,was it oky,is it hurt,was it dead?

All these things were going through my head,then Zane came down the stairs and said "if I can't have you nobody can" he turned around and ran upstairs.i tried my best to move but it was to painful I could see my phone lying beside me the screen was cracked but I hope it still works. I reached out for the phone and turned it on there was so much pain going through my body I rang the first person in my contacts which was Jessey

"Hello"Jessey said
"Jessey I need your help Zane pushed me down the stairs I can't get up"I said while I winced in pain
"OMG Gianna were coming"she said
"Where are y.........."

Zane had came back and he had hung up on Jessey "I guess your boyfriend is coming to the rescue"he said while he kicked me at the side,i clutched my side,my phone rang again "looks like Jessey is ringing you"he said while grabbing me by the neck he lifted me up and threw me at the wall,i was lying down on the ground I was out cold I could only hear zanes footsteps walking towards me I knew this would be the end.then my eyes flickerd open I could see Cameron and Jessey running in the door Cameron ran to me while Jessey started to punch Zane,Cameron imeadietly carried me bridal style when Jessey stopped punching Zane,cameron got me into the back seat of the car and drove me to the hospital as soon as we got there he lifted me out of the car and people came running towards us and got me on a bed,they got me in a room and did some tests,i couldn't talk to Cameron because the doctor kept talking to me saying how long are you into the pregnancy and stuff like that after the doctor left Cameron came in

"Gianna"he said while he ran over to me and kissed my forehead
"Cameron what if the baby is dead"I said while tears ran down my face
"Gianna the baby will be fine"he said while hugging me
"Cameron I tried but he was to strong"I said while i burst into tears
"The next time I see him me and friend will beat him up"he said while he pulled me into another hug while kissing the top of my head after,an hour the doctor came in
"Gianna we ran some tests and the baby is ............"

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