Chapter 30

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Giannas PoV

When I woke up I went to the kitchen to get breakfast I had some fruit loops and made a bottle for chloe i ran to Chloe's nursery and fed her she was getting so big and most of her clothes wouldn't fit her so I decided we were going shopping a mommy daughters day and we could get her some new clothes .

Me and chloe were at the mall shopping for clothes well I was shopping for clothes while she slept in her pram,we were coming out of the mall when I got to my car there was a note on the window I took the note and read the four words that was written on it which made me shiver in fear ( I'm always watching you) was written on the note,i shook my head and ripped up the paper and put chloe into the car.

We were driving down the street when all of a sudden a black bmw swerved right into my car. everything was quiet I had blacked out from the impact of the car that hit us I looked around to see were I was it was dark and my car had rolled into a field I could feel the blood running down my face I was oky but the only problem was I couldn't hear chloe,i turned around as quickly as I could to see that chloe was no longer in her car seat,i started to panic "chloe"I yelled as loud as I could but she wasn't there,i tried to get out of the car but my seatbelt was jammed so I couldn't get out I looked around to see if I could see anyone but nobow was there i grabed my phone and dialled 911 "hello what's your emergency" the woman asked "I've been in a car crash my name is Gianna Taylor I was with my 4 month old daughter but she's not in the car and the other car isn't here anymore I think they took my baby"I said as I cried "oky Gianna are you out of your car" she said with such a calm voice "no I can't get out im stuck"i said as I cried "oky Gianna the police and ambulance is on their way hold on we will find you daughter"the woman said I looked at the back of the car to see if this was all a dream and if that my daughter was there but It wasn't a dream and my beautiful baby girl wasn't there,tge only thing that was there was a piece of paper I reached out for the paper and read,

(I will call you at 1 pm tomorrow morning to make a deal)

I was so angry not only did that person steal my daughter but that he could have killed us both in the car crash as I was thinking to myself I could hear the ambulance sieriens coming the imeadietly got out and ran towards the car.

Cameron's PoV

It was quiet in the apartment the only thing I could hear was the tv I came out of my room to see Shawn sitting on the sofa watching tv "hey dude we're is Jessey " I asked he looked away from the tv and looked at me "she's with Amiele there going to see a movie in the cinema so we're is Gianna and chloe " he asked "they were away shopping they should be back later"I said I took a seat next him and we watched the match.

(A few hours later)

It was 8:45 pm and my two girls were still no back I was starting to get worried untill my phone rang I looked at the id it was Gianna

"Hey Gianna were are you" I asked
"Hello you must be Mr Dallas this is Dr Sweeney you girlfriend is in hospital she was in a car crash" he said "WHAT!! Is she oky please tell me everything is oky"I said shawn jumped up beside me and gave me a questioning i put my hand up telling him to give me a minute "everything is fine she has concussion and a bit of stitching on her head but other than that she's fine " he said "and what about my baby" I asked "there was no baby sir she might have dropped your child somewhere else but there is no child" he said my heart dropped Jessey and Amielie were gone and her mum and dad were out of town and Jamie he was in out guest room sleeping so chloe couldn't be with anyone else "oky I'll be right there"I said as hung up the call and ran to my car keys "dude what's going on" Shawn asked "Gianna is in hospital and Chloe's missing" I said as a few tears fell down my face "don't we will find chloe but first lets go see if Gianna is oky and I'll phone Jessey on the way up to hospital" he said we both ran out to the car and raced are way to the hospital.

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