Chapter 2

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It was half 9 in the morning but
I couldn't get to sleep.
I kept thinking about
Cameron Dallas and his
Dreamy brown eyes.
I decided I had to tell someone
So I texted jessey.

(M=me J=jessey)

G: yeah no, I don't like Matt I like cam instead
J:and you texted me at 9:30 in the morning for that because?
G: just saying. Maybe you could set us up.
J:um no? He's 17
G: and what? Not much difference between him and Matt..
J:g, seriously 😂
G: 😷 please Jess ily 💜
J:I'll see what I can do.

I was so happy I couldn't hold
It any longer I let out a quite scream with my pillow over my mouth.
So my mum wouldn't hear me.

I remember the first time I met him I was at the mall and I was rushing and banged into him and fell.
I looked up and saw him get up and
Say "I'm so sorry are u oky ?"
It took me a second to relize who he was I replied "oh umm yeah oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going "
He said "no that was my fault"

He put out his hand to help me up
He said "hey I'm Cameron Dallas"

"I'm Gianna" I said
He asked me did he want to go for a coffee
I said "sure"
I looked at the time it 6:00 we had
Been talking for almost 2 hours
I jumped up and said "thanks but that I had to go" I didn't even let him reply I was solo late I came home to find my mum in the kitchen she came over and hugged me.

I said "what's wrong"
She said "you were supposed to be back by 4:00 I called you 30 times"

Seeing is Believing (Cameron Dallas fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now