1. Chapter

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TW: swearing

_Clay POV_

We've been sailing for about four months now.

I look at the map again. We are sailing off the edge of the known waters. My head hurts and I haven't slept in a couple of days. My vision gets all blurry and I take off my white round mask with a smiley face on it to see better. It doesn't change the situation. I reach for my bottle of rum. Almost empty again. I quickly take a big sip and empty the bottle completely. The liquid burns my throat from the inside, but after a couple of minutes I feel a little bit better.

I hear a knock.

"It's me, Captain Dream."

I quietly groan. I don't have the power to talk to her now. It's nothing personal, it's just... I slowly bring my mask to my face and attach it with strings. She hasn't seen my face yet and I wanna keep it that way.

"Come in," I say, loud enough so she can hear me. I hear the knob turn and she walks in, takes a quick look at me and her eyes scan my cabinet. Bottles, once filled with alcohol, laying everywhere. Maps, torn apart, since I lost control over myself a couple of hours ago. My swords are all over the place. She lightly kicks one out of her way with her boots.

"You don't look very good, do you?" she crosses her arms on her chest.

"I'm okay," I speak trough my teeth. "Don't worry about me."

"It's not you I'm worried about."

I look into her eyes. She shows no fear, but I could see it - she was crying before she came here. I look her up and down. She braided her bright pink hair, she had one hand on her sword. Something was wrong.

"The Mermaid Bay, sir," she says. Her voice cracks. My eyes widen. Fortunately, she can't see my fear, since there's a mask covering my face. I stand up and glance at the map before me. The one I was too drunk and tired to notice.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Mermaids. We'll all be dead before the hour is over.

I get up and walk towards the door. I lightly push her out of my way. But then I stop.

"Niki, get 'the fiances'." I say. I walk up the stairs and step on the hard, wooden floor of the ship. It's past midnight. The cold wind slaps my face. I look over the deck of the ship, I'm curious how many of them are there already. I see none, but they will come as soon as they see me.


I slightly jump and look behind me. Nick, with a worried expression, holding a trident. I slightly smile. I haven't seen him in a while - I've been in my cabinet and he's been busy with his two boyfriends. He pulls me into a hug. I don't return the hug right away, I'm shocked. I just look at his shoulder for a couple seconds and then I give in. This may be the last time I see my best friend.

"We need a bait," I say to him after he lets me go. He looks me in the eyes and nods.

"Someone who doesn't give a fuck about a lady's body..." I add and look Nick up and down

"So you're applying that the gays of this ship do the job?" He lightly chuckled and so did I.

"I mean, what can female mermaids do to you three. You are very gay, plus you all are getting married in a week." I start walking up the deck, checking the sea constantly. I am really paranoid. I take out my compass and stare at it for a minute or two.

"Go tell Niki to wake up the crew. Then we'll leave with a boat to that island over there," I point towards the North where you can barely see a slight piece of land. "We will get them away from the ship that will sail towards the East. In a few days they will make a big turn to avoid them and pick us up."

Nick looks at me and sighs.

"I guess we're about to die in any case, why not make it fun?" That makes me laugh. He laughs at my tea kettle wheeze and we laugh. We laugh at the inescapable death. It's fun. I like Nick, we have been best friends for 10 years. Maybe even more.

I see him spot Karl coming up the stairs. He smiles at me, smiles at him and run towards him.

"Hey bab-" Karl gets cut out by a kiss on the lips. Nick cups his face and Karl quietly giggles. After about 30 seconds they separate. I wish someone would do the same to me.

No. I don't want anyone touching me, especially not kissing me.

I see Nick tell Karl something. Karl gasps loudly and runs towards me. Without thinking I pull out my sword and grab onto it tightly.


Words: 847

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