Ch. 4: Roller Coaster

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The next day I woke up to a quiet Tardis. I scrambled to my closet pulling on black jeans and a white tank top before I pulled on my favorite leather jacket. I noticed some dark blue converse deciding to wear those instead of my black boots. I pulled my dark hair into a high ponytail before I made my way to the console room. I reached the room to find it empty. I paused before I walked over to the console.

"Hey girl, where is everyone?" I asked the Tardis softly. She turned the screen on which showed them exploring some planet outside. I laughed as the Doctor ran away from Graham and towards something. I saw the annoyance on his face as he raced to keep up with her. "Suppose I should go join them right?" The Tardis only opened the door in response. "If they come back don't let them leave without me." I giggled before sprinting out of the Tardis. I looked around the planet taking in the massive buildings around me. Looked like the middle of downtown on Earth though I could tell it wasn't Earth. I thought back to where I saw the Doctor on the screen before I ran off in that direction. I ran for twenty minutes before I crashed right into Ryan sending us both to the ground. "Geez, sorry Ryan," I muttered as I got up before offering him my hand.

"It's alright," he said taking my hand. I pulled him up before I realized he was alone.

"Where's everyone?" I asked as he breathed heavily.

"No idea, the Doctor is fast," he mumbled as I nodded.

"What's with the running?" I asked as he shook his head still breathing hard.

"She was following some weird energy charge. Said it was similar to the energy we saw with Rosa Parks," he said as my head snapped towards him. 

"You met Rosa Parks?" I breathed out as he nodded.

"Yeah, it was so cool. My nan would have loved it," Ryan said as a giant smile spread across my lips. I loved Rosa Parks, she fought for what was right and she didn't back down.

Ryan and I started to wander around the streets. It was then we both heard an explosion. I took a look at Ryan before I ran towards the noise. Ryan groaned before following me.

"It's bad enough running after the Doctor." I heard him grumble from behind me. I laughed but didn't slow until I reached a building which had its door blasted open.

"Okay," I muttered pausing for a moment before I entered the building. My heart pounded as I looked around. It was completely empty until I passed through a second door and when I had my heart sunk. It was hundreds of creatures in glass pods. They looked like they were in so much pain and I didn't know how to help them. Ryan came to a stop beside me his dark eyes mirroring my sadness.

"What do you think this is?" He asked resting his hand on the glass.

"A zoo," I said weakly before I turned away striding further into the building. I was angry at whatever had done this and I knew I had to fix it. The longer I wandered around eventually I started to hear people. I could hear Yaz speaking to Graham softly while the Doctor argued with someone. Without a moment of hesitation I stepped into the room. It looked like a laboratory and across a metal table, there looked like stains of blood in various colors. My stomach flipped at the sight knowing whoever's blood that was was most likely in a great deal of pain.

"Why take these aliens? What do you get from all this?!" The Doctor demanded standing firmly before the man. He gave a sadistic smile as his eyes drifted over to me. His eyes were an unnatural color almost glowing yellow. I looked at his teeth which confused me. Some were sharp while others looked almost human.

"They are subjects. I want the benefits of every race without the negative side effects," he said causing a chill to run up my spine. It also explained the teeth. He was making himself into a patchwork version of a person. I couldn't tell where his experiment started and what was natural.

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