Ch. 10: The Quiet

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I didn't know how long it had been since the soldiers left me but I just stayed on my bed trying to ignore the throbbing of the bruises they inflicted. I had managed to fall asleep and surprisingly they didn't stop me. In fact they didn't come for days. It was quiet which calmed me while simultaneously putting me on edge.

Then the next day they came. They ripped the door open aiming a multitude of guns at me. The weapons left me no choice but to follow them out of the room. The soldiers eyes darted around as if looking for something. My brows furrowed as I pieced together that this wasn't a normal transfer. I wasn't going to 'training'.

"Problem?" I asked as one of the soldiers behind me. He didn't say a word as he jabbed me with the barrel of his gun. I bit my lip to keep from saying more when I heard a laugh behind us.

"You honestly thought you could get her out passed me?" A woman laughed. Instantly the group of soldiers faced the voice raising their guns at her. "It's going to take more than you all to take me out. You know what I was trained for and who I was trained by. Now I'll be nice here because Riley doesn't appreciate violence. Last warning, let her go or I'll kill you all." I was curious who the woman was and so I turned around to look at her. She had curly hair and a gun. How she knew who I was I had no idea. The way the soldiers watched her movements with fear intrigued me.

"We aren't afraid of you Miss Song," the leader of the group spat and despite his firm voice his eyes betrayed him. The group leader was scared. The woman shrugged before firing a series of shots killing the men before they could even blink. My lips parted in shock as she strode forward.

"It's Doctor Song," she growled at the soldiers before her eyes found mine. "Hello Sweetie," she said warmly as my brows squished together in confusion.

"Do I know you?" I asked as her lips pressed into a line.

"Some day," she said before taking my arm gently. "For now I need to get you back to the Doctor."

"Whoa just hold up a second," I said pulling away from her. "You haven't even told me your name and you expect me to just leave with you?"

"How early is this for you?" She asked as I huffed. How was I supposed to know? I don't know who she is or when I supposedly meet her.

"I don't even know how to answer that," I said crossing my arms.

"Do you know who you are?" She asked catching my attention.

"Who I am? What do you know?" I asked rapidly as she groaned.

"I can't tell you," she said as I narrowed my eyes.

"And why ever not?" I demanded as she shook her head.

"God he sure knows how to pick em, stubborn," she took a deep breath before she looked into my eyes. "I shouldn't tell you this but if I gave you the information now it would destroy the Doctor. You mean so much to him."

"Him?" I questioned again and she smiled.

"It's that early, she loves you Riley," she said as I gave in. "The Doctor loves you."

"Fine I don't trust you but I don't have a choice," I said letting her take my hand she noticed the bruises frowning.

"I can't very well send you to her like this," River sighed before her hand started to glow golden.

"What is that?" I asked staring at the energy as it caressed my skin healing my wounds. It was comforting and warm as it took my pain away. There was something soothing about the golden dust on my skin.

"Regeneration energy. It's the way Timelords cheat death," she said as the light faded having healed all my wounds, wrist included.

"You are a Timelord?!" I gasped in disbelief. They all died I thought.

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