Anxiety/ ED

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The constant thought got to much for Lucy so she began to wrote books. They where about anything and everything. It was the only thing she was really good at. Even though she though so little of herself she was actually really intelligent for her age. Books, diaries, movies, anything to step into someone else's shoes and escape the reality of the world.

The stress turned into anxiety and people still at school picked on Lucy and she is now 10. Daisy began to lie and spread rumours about Lucy. This deeply hurt Lucy like a knife to the heart. The only person she could trust stabbed her in the back. Everyone believed the rumours and the spread round the whole school. She was the laughing stock. Every time she walked down corridors heads turned to look at her. And when she got asked a question her face went bright red becsuse her grades had declined ever since the rumours began, and she was dangerously behind on school work. Her life was crashing down into a huge pile of mess.

Every night she cried herself to sleep but she had to be quiet as her sister might have heard and she didnt want to let anybody in. She thought he brain was to messed up and damaged for anyone else to understand.

Lucy began to notice she was putting on weight as she spent most days in bed crying or staring at her white empty sealing. She knew every imperfection or crack on that sealing from the amount of hours she spent looking at it thinking. Thinking why? Why me? Why not her or him or them or anyone else?! It's unfair.

She was 10 and 9 stone 11 pounds, the people made fun of her chubby ankles, her chubby cheeks and her flabby arms. Lucy had had enough and searched up how to loose weight. She saw an online video about how you can starve yourself and exercise to make your self skinny. She had to try it...

Thank you for reading, feel free to leave any feedback or ideas in the comments:)

354 words

Remember to drink water and eat♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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The sad life of a young girl named Lucy Where stories live. Discover now