Chapter 3

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Emmi's POV:
We got on our flight to Idaho. It felt like we were on there for 12 hours, but in reality we weren't.

I cried the whole plane ride. Seeing Avia, Gavin, Brock, and Dad made me think of all the good times before the divorce.

The plane landed in Idaho, and Mom's sister Candace came to pick us up. We got our bags, and we left the airport.

I feel bad for Daxton. He too young to realize that Dad wasn't there with him anymore. He's been saying "Dada" for what seems like forever.

Once we got to Grandpa Vincent's house, we unloaded our things, and ate dinner. As we were eating I heard a knock on the door. I asked if I could get it, and I was excused. There stood Brock all by himself.

"Emmi!" He had a frown plastered to his face.

"Brock why are you all alone?" I questioned.

"Daddy couldn't take care of me anymore. He said it was too hard. Besides Daddy's girlfriend hates me. She brought me here, so Mommy could take care of me."

"Oh Brock, I'll bring Mom over." I whispered.

I ran back into the dining room. They all asked who was at the door, and why it took so long for me to come back. I motioned Mom to follow me. She sighed and got out of her seat, while following me to the door.

"Brock?" She gasped at the sight of him being here by himself.

"Emmi, why is Brock here?" Mom asked.

I told her everything Brock had told me. Mom agreed to let Brock live with us. Now before you question why Dad all of a sudden hates Brock, he doesn't. He still loves Brock, but like Brock explained it was too hard to take care of a four year old, once you have a daughter who is 9, and a son who is 11.

We all finished up dinner, and Brock has been telling me about Avia and Gavin. Avia now competes in cheerleading and Gavin is now doing soccer.

To be honest I love having Brock stay with us. And I love having mother and daughter time with Mom now.

I may actually love life better now than before. What am I saying life isn't better. Anyways I have to go. Brock is making me play Spider-Man with him before bed.

My Life Has Gone Downhill (An Emmi Butler/Shaytards Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now