Chapter 8

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Emmi's POV:
12 Months Later
Let me catch you up on things. 3 months ago, Dad and Jessica got married on my birthday. We were invited to the wedding, but however we purposely did not show up.

Not only do I now have a step mom, I also have a newborn step sister. Her name is Brooklyn Grace Butler.

Born 9/18/15 at 4:37 AM. Weighing 6lbs 5 oz. I was not there for her arrival. Not like I would want to be there anyways. From the picture I saw, she has bright green eyes, and she looks just like Jessica. I have to admit she is really cute. It's been 5 days after the birth of my baby step sister, and I kind of want to see her.

Mom been extremely depressed lately, and I think it's because of what our family has turned into. I can see in her eyes, that she still loves Dad, but it's clear that he doesn't feel the same way.

Gavin has been sneaking out of the house at night lately, and I wanted to know why. So, last night, I followed him, making sure he didn't notice. He's been going to Dad's house. Anger built up inside of me. Why would he ever go back to that stupid house?!

Gavin was talking to Dad. I thought Dad hates him? I heard their conversation.

"Hi Dad." Gavin said.

"Hey son." Dad replied

"Dad, do you actually love Jessica?" Why would Gavin ask that? That's so random!

"Gavin, I'll tell you the truth if you promise that you won't tell a single person."

"Ok." He responded.

"Gavin, I don't love Jessica. I don't know why I would think to marry her. The whole divorce between your real mother and it just got out of hand. I guess I just thought that this would be something to keep my mind off of it."

"Well are you planning on divorcing Jessica?" I jumped into their conversation, forgetting all about how I was supposed to keep quiet.

"Emmi?" Dad asked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was hiding in those bushes. I needed to know where Gavin was going every night." I said ashamed

"Emmi it's fine. I needed to spend some time with my Loofus anyways." Dad said, while messing up my hair.

"So Dad, are you planning a divorce?" I asked impatiently.

"I want to, but with Brooklyn here now, she needs a father to always be there for her."

"Oh." Was all I could manage to say.

And I ran back home crying. Good thing Mom didn't notice that I was gone. It was almost 4 in the morning, and it took me 35 minutes to run back home.

I curled up into my bed, and cried myself to sleep. And that brings me to today. One of the worst days of my life.

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