Chapter 7- Was it all just a dream?

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I woke up in my bed, confused. "What the hell? Was it all just a dream?" I say. Those were worse than the nightmares Sally gives me. I look at the clock, 6:30. I get up out of bed and I'm not in my gown. I'm in my clothes from before, gray hoodie, titans t-shirt. I guess it really was a dream. I go to the bathroom and get ready. But when I look in the mirror, I see a symbol on my forehead. It's a circle with an x over it. I created some bangs to cover it, but where did it come from anyway? I shake my head and change into some black skinny jeans, black Blood On The Dance floor t-shirt, and black Vans. I then changed my mind and put on purple Vans and my purple hoodie. After that I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.

I was early, so I decided to walk to school. I've always liked walking. It gives me time to clear my mind about things. While I was walking, I felt like I was being watched. I've never felt like this before; well sometimes, but this time the thought was heavy on me.

So I started walking faster, then I felt like whatever it was was still on my tail then I started running,and I started hearing footsteps that weren't mine. I stopped and turned around to face...nothing. "Come out, I know you're there, " I say, but actually I wasn't sure what was there or if anything was actually there. I turned back around and walked to school, never hearing the footsteps again.

I got to school and Miranda was there. I thought she was at a mental institution getting therapy. Maybe it was a dream...

DARK HEART: Short ass chapter, I know. I've gotten really busy and my grades have been lagging so I haven't been able to get online... But I will update again today, a little later okay.... Bye ^ω^

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