Chapter 8- Hoodie and Masky

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I went over to Miranda. "H-hey...," I said nervously. "Hey, wazzup," she replied happily. "So you got out of the hospital," I asked and she laughed. "Hospital? What are you talking about," she said. "N-nothing," I said shaking my head.

She pet my head saying, "Sometimes I wonder about you, crazy ass!" I laughed and hugged her. She hugged back and we went to our lockers; her locker was one away from mine.

"So, I heard a new student was enrolling today, think I could get him," she said and I shook my head. "Always with you and guys. Ever come to school and think about school," I asked and she replied," All the time! I think about BOYS at school."

Later in class the teacher introduced the student....students? There were 2 of them, on wore an orange hoodie,one wore yellow. Tim and Brian were their names and they sat on each side of me. They would occasionally stare at me...creepy. After class I went to the bathroom and when I came out the hallway was empty except for Tim and Brian.

"Where is everyone?" I whispered under my breath.

"Hey, Anna, is it," Tim said leaning against the lockers, "how are ya?"

" are you enjoying our school?" I don't know what it was, but Tim's awkward kindness and Brian's silence made me feel uncomfortable.

"It's nice and all I guess....haven't been in school for a while so it was a bit awkward but it doesn't matter. You have to come with us now, " Tim said.

"What are you talking about? Wow, you new kids are always weird I'm not going anywhere," I said , but then, they showed me them.

Matching marks, just like mine! I was gonna ask where they got them from but something told me that if I went with them I'd know everything I needed to know. So we planned to act like great friends the rest of the school day and I'd leave with them after school. There was just one obstacle in my way.....Miranda.

DARK HEART: Well, it's certainly been a while huh? Look guys if there's any of you left that still read I promise promise promise I will keep updating. New chapters everyday until my birthday which is on the 7th. But after that day the updates will continue for a week but a bit slowed down because of finals and then I'll get back on track. Love you creepybuddies.

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