Chapter 1

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The Platform


"Come on, Rory we're going to be late for the train!" Aurora rolled her eyes as Hermione grabbed her wrist, pulling her along the station.

"Oh sod off 'Mione, you're supposed the nicer sister." She groaned, a playful scowl pulling at her lips.

Hermione stopped suddenly, causing Aurora to crash into her. Aurora, rubbing her bruised head, turned towards her twin.

"Ouch. A warning might've been nice."

"We're here, Platform 9 ¾!" Hermione's eagerness radiated off of her, "From what I read, all you have to do is run into that wall to get to the train!"

Aurora looked at her like she was clinically insane, and deadpanned, "You're joking right? Fat chance, I don't want another head injury."

Hermione rolled her eyes at her sister's theatrics, pushing her onto the platform. Aurora braced for the impact of the hard wall as she fell backward. When no impact came, she slowly lowered her arms. The brunette gasped at the sight of the majestic train standing before her, mouth agape in awe. That was until her twin came through the wall, landing on Aurora. The pair fell to the ground with a thump, their stuff flying everywhere.

"Out of anywhere on the platform, you had to fall onto me," Aurora stated sarcastically as she picked herself off the floor and brushed herself off.

"It's your fault! You should have moved out of the way after getting on to the platform" she bent over and started picking up their knocked over cart, "Now help me gather our stuff."

The smaller sister mumbled to herself as she bent over to gather the strewn luggage. Almost all of their belongings were back onto their cart when two red-headed boys approached them. They each picked up a book that was scattered across the platform, holding them out to the sisters.

"Looks like you dropped these," One of them said slyly while holding up the books.

Aurora stuck out her hand impatiently, a scowl plastered on her rosy face.

"It would be a shame if these pieces of literature just happen to be just out of your reach." The other added. Both now holding the books up just out of the twin's reach.

Aurora jumped up trying to grab the books from the red-heads grip. "Ugh!! Is this some kind of twin discriminatory bullshit, because if it is, I am going to-"

"Rory!" Hermione cuts off, throwing a pointed stare in Aurora's direction, "Don't threaten people we just met!"

She turns back to the other set of twins, "Even if they are being quite rude. Now stop flirting and give us our books back!"

With that Aurora turned a deep shade of pink. The twins glanced at each other with a playful smirk, still keeping the books out of the sisters' reach. Hermione sighs unfazed and continues, waving her wand with deep concentration.

"Just as I thought. Well here goes nothing... Accio Books!"

The books come flying out of the startled boys' hands and into Hermione's.

"Woah, Mione, When did you have the time to learn that! And how?"

"Reading of course." She scoffed briskly, "You might learn a thing or two if you read something once in your life!"

"Not this again 'Mione, you know reading is only for complete and utter twats!"

"That was pretty cool," one of the redheads spoke up, interrupting the sisters' bickering.

"For a first-year." The other adds.

"I'm Fred Weasly," The one who interrupted the girls spoke with an exaggerated wink towards Aurora. He gestures to the boy on his right, "This is my slightly less handsome brother, George."

"Pleasure to meet you fine ladies, but you might want to find a compartment before the train leaves without you" He added with a mischievous glint in his eyes. And with that, the two sets of twins boarded the train.

A/N - I'm a new writer so if I make any mistakes then let me know! Make sure to vote and comment. Ok bye :)

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