Chapter 2

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Hogwarts Express


The group of four had wandered around the train searching for an empty compartment before parting ways. Aurora and Hermione settled on a compartment that had a lone boy.

"Hello? Mind if we sit here?" Hermione asked the boy.

The boy blushed furiously at the sight of the twins and only nodded to avoid further embarrassment. Aurora smirked to herself at the sight of the now flustered boy, enjoying the effect she had on people. The dark-haired girl flopped down on the bench and turned to her sister.

"So," Aurora deadpanned, "Are you gonna teach me some spells or not."

Hemione scoffed at her sister's reluctance to use her brain. She slightly shook her head no, sticking her nose in a book. Aurora, being irritated that her sister was ignoring her, snatched the book from her grasp and peeked at what she was reading.

"Colloportus, A locking spell? A dirty mind you have there." Aurora laughed at her joke while slyly winking at the anxious boy across from her. Flashing a smile, she then announces, "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Aurora, friends call me Rory."

"H-hi, I'm Neville, Neville Longbottom." Replied the boy with the little courage he had.

Aurora chuckled to herself, turning her attention back to the book. Flipping through the pages, she learns that the Accio charm could bring anything to the user. She gets out her wand, concentrating on getting the spell right.

"Accio chocolate!"

A couple of seconds goes by and still, nothing happened. Aurora slumped down further into her seat with a scowl. Just then something came flying through the open compartment doors, hitting Aurora over the head with a loud 'THWACK'.

"Alright, fess up! Which one of you two did that," Aurora spluttered, pointing her finger at the two others in the compartment, fixing them with a death glare. Hermione simply snickered at her sister's antics while poor Neville looked like he might wet himself.

"Look at what hit you, you git." Hermione snorted. Aurora reluctantly picked up the projectile and looked at what it was. A chocolate frog innocently lying in her hand. Heat crept up to her face, sending an apologetic look at Neville.

"Sorry 'bout that," Aurora said sheepishly. She offers the chocolate frog to him as a nonverbal apology, Neville gladly taking it.

He quickly takes off the plastic wrapping, opens the box, grabbing the frog before it could run away. Mid-chew Neville glances at his pet frog, who was staring back at him with a horrified look.

"Sorry Trevor," The boy mumbled while continuing to chew and finally swallow the offensive chocolate.

Aurora stares in amazement at the conversation between the boy and the frog. Hermione was oblivious to the whole ordeal, once again with her nose stuck in a book.

Aurora moved her gaze to the window admiring the view, it was nothing like she had ever seen before. Watching the lush green scenery pass by was all she could ask for, yet. After all, she hadn't even made it to Hogwarts yet.

"TREVOR!" Neville shouted. The boy looked around frantically, his panic growing steadily.

Hermione finally lifted her head from her book and started to attempt at calming Neville down, she didn't succeed.

"Shhhhhh. It's alright Neville," Hermione said reassuringly, "what's happened?"

"H-he just went out, I don't-I don't know where he went! I lost Trevor, again!"

Aurora snorts out loud, unable to help herself. Quickly realizing what she did, she slapped her hand over her mouth. Hermione sends her twin a fierce glare as she slips out of the cart to help Neville in search of his slippery pet.

Now having the entire car to herself, Aurora kicked up her feet, put her arms behind her head, and closed her eyes, eventually relaxing. Just then, the compartment doors slammed open disrupting any kind of peace once had. In walked the red-headed twins along with another boy, sporting dreadlocks. The three boys sat down clumsily, laughing with each other as though Aurora wasn't even there.

Aurora, only opening one eye, looked at the cause of the disturbance. She sighed heavily and swung her legs back on the floor, frowning at the friends.

"What got your wand in a twist?" Fred (or was it George?) teased Aurora, finally acknowledging her presence.

"You're joking, right? You lot better be, after ruining my quiet!" Aurora rolled her eyes, scoffing. Muttering a few more harsh words under her breath she went back to ignoring them. The boys began whispering to one another, obviously planning something nefarious. They nodded to each other, a plan obviously being set in motion.

The unknown boy and George walked out the door leaving behind Fred.

"Bye love," Fred spoke before joining his brother outside of the compartment. Aurora sat frozen. Did he just call me love?

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