Known Unknown

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Trying to figure out when I should set 

In this gamble with death 

It's something that I know in the reservoir in my mind, 

If life's a race, what about the rest who miss the price? 

And if you go Usain Bolt on the track and you just get d.q, 

I mean like if your smartphone surpassed your I.q ...

But I still keep it real, stay down to earth, 

With a smile on my face as I dodge the embrace of mother earth ... 

It's what I know that I know like a wise rasta with them dreads.. 

The truth is blunt when you roll a blunt and face what you most dread 

Life is short we were told,

  But it's ironic it ends with 6 feet 

Death comes in different forms I call it Mystiq, 

 cause it could X any man... 

But far from a mutant, 

I stopped thinking of the unknown as a nuisance 

When I took the new stance 

That deep down you're aware of what you don't know, 

So don't override your subconscious,  Let your thoughts run wild..

  You'll be surprised at your reserve 

Things you put in the backseat,  while your engine needs a rerve 

Life's a test, so ace it like a Federer serve 

Penny for my thoughts? I'll need the federal reserve

"Cos there are known unknowns and unknown knowns
The things we know but don't know we know 

Cos the subconscious is like an abyss, 

 Nothing is ever amiss 

But there are somethings we wish that we didn't know" 

(it's time to face it)


  Time to face it like a mirror 

That's when you hesitating to look in the mirror 

If life were a movie, sadly most genre would be horror 

Cause we got: twisted directors and overeager actors

But I'm pulling the strings behind the scenes,

Life fucks us all so we have multiple sex scenes..

  No simulation, fuck the ratings truly no pun intended 

Brain's a thesaurus so you getting different themes

Take your pick; cut your coat to your size, 

embroidery at the seams 

Cause nothing is ever as it seems, 

 There's more to life than jewelry and spinning rims

Dive into the deepness, see what answers you come up with

It's all about purpose so I propose you think of it 

It seems when the seed is sown,  Shit happens to fertilize it

So keep your gloves on and try to utilize it

The people ain't ignorant, just ignoring the fact 

I can't pretend anymore,

Pretense is just preparing to be tense

It's time to differentiate between possibilities and reality and know the exact odds before terming "it" probability 

"Cos there are known unknowns and unknown knowns The things we know but don't know we know Cos the subconscious is like an abyss Nothing is ever amiss But there are somethings we wish that we didn't know (it's time to face it)


It's time to face it, call it a face-off 

It doesn't matter what color you are, You still gotta lace-up, 

cos this race is different

Wake up, smell the tension, Visine for your third eye 

O' Lord I need your guidance, GPS for my movements 

Cause death wants us to hold hands but I remain homophobic

Unless you dive into the shallow abyss, 

There's something you'll narrowly miss..  You don't need a bow tie to get an arrow to kiss 

Forget the theories, it's about time we be practical,

Date with destiny so you wear a 3 piece suit with 5-star dreams But get a 3-star suite

Would you hold your peace or demand better service?

It's all food for thought, you decide what dish you want it served with

Life's a teacher, what happens when the student surpasses the master?

Is it 6 feet down or 6 feet up And if you come late for class, will you give it up?

Metaphors aside, 

it's time to look inside..  You'll find out the cat was never in the bag...

So there are no known unknowns,  Only unknown knowns Excercise a little sabali and things will work out.. 

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