Why! What did I do to deserve this! | Yoongi

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Yoongi couldn't stand the sight of them. (Y/N) and Jungkook, He loves her with every part of him. The first girl to ever make the lock on his heartbreak, and he lost her. To a much younger guy, Jungkook who can't even handle being around girls for a long time. 'Why didn't she pick me', was all Yoongi could think. The boy hasn't left his room in days, the heartbreak was too much for him. The door to his room opens and someone walks in. Yoongi glances over, his heart still yearning of the sight of her, when he noticed it was just Jimin in the doorway he turned away.

"Hyung," Jimin starts.

"Leave," Yoongi commands.

"You need to stop doing this to yourself," Jimin responds.

"I don't give a damn," Yoongi snaps.

Jimin couldn't take this anymore.

"You know you weren't the only one who got hurt! Jungkook also picked her over me!" He yells.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, Jimin was not in the same place as I, he thought.

"Please. Jungkook didn't and still doesn't know about how you felt. I poured out my heart to her and she stomped on it! You have no idea how I feel," Yoongi yells.

Jimin looks taken back as the slightly taller boy stumbles angrily to him. Jimin was slightly hurt at what his hyung had said but that can't be important right now.

"Yoongi hyung... Have you been drinking?" He asks.

Yoongi gets in his face and stares the boy down.

"That is none of your fucking business," Yoongi snaps.

The smell of his breath gave him away. Yoongi pushes past Jimin and starts walking to the showers when he spots them. The girl he loves in the arms of Jungkook. They were laughing and having a great time. He was frozen in place watching the two. Her eyes look up and met with Yoongi's. She frowned at how he looked and started her way over. Yoongi quickly snapped out of it and starts running towards the entrance. He had to get away from her. He didn't want to feel like he does when she is around him. Like she was just right, perfect and made for him. But that's not how she feels. She loves Jungkook not me, he thought. He started walking down the street, not caring if anyone saw how bad he looks. He gets to a bar and heads in. He sits down at the bar and sighs.

"A beer please," Yoongi asks the bartender.

As he sips on the beer he can't help but remember all the good times he had with her, when he thought he had a chance. But he never did, she choose Jungkook from the start. He could feel the tears falling down his cheeks again. He hated that she had made him this weak, this valuable. But no matter what he can't bring himself to hate her. He just loves her so much, even though she broke his heart, he couldn't stop how he felt around her. He pays the bar then walks out, beer in hand.

"It just hurts so bad," Yoongi cries.

He falls down on his knees and grabs onto his chest.

"Why! What did I do to deserve this!" He screams.

He stares ahead at the bridge a couple of distance away. Only one way to get rid of this pain, he thought. He gets up and starts his way to the bridge. He gets to the middle of it and looks down. The river way below was barely visible in the dark. He downs the rest of the beer and throws it on the ground. He climbs on the railing, grabbing onto a column. He looks ahead and thinks of her one last time. He smiles a bittersweet smile thinking of the girl he will always love.

"I love you so much."

He lets go of the column ready to end this pain all for once.

"No!" A female screams.

He was pulled back and onto the ground, safe on the road.

"You idiot," The girl cries.

Yoongi looks beside him to see (Y/N) crying. He quickly sits up and helps her sit up.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt right?" He asks.

"You fucking idiot. If I didn't get Hobi to track you. You would be dead!" She bawls.

"You should have let me. I'm just a burden on you," He sobs.

Yoongi gasp in shock as the now pissed off girl grabs his face and connects their lips. She had a firm grip on his face as if he would disappear if she let go. Yoongi grabs her by the waist and pulls her on his laps. Their tongues fought for dominance, as his hands slid down to rest on her hips. They pull apart and Yoongi rests his forehead on hers. Both their hearts are still beating wildly as they stare in each other's eyes.

"What about Jungkook?" He asks.

She frowns again and sighs.

"When I saw you run out, I just wanted to find you as quick as I could. When we couldn't find you nearby, I couldn't stop thinking of what could have happened to you. I-If I was a second late... You would... You would be...," She starts sobbing in his shoulder.

He starts crying with her and hugs her tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he starts, "I didn't think of how you would feel."

(Y/N) wraps her arms around him, her grip on his shirt hard.

"I just love you so much that the pain was unbearable," He cries.

She pulls back and grabs his face again. She smiles at him before kissing him again.

"I love you. I'm sorry it took this for me to figure it out. I hurt both you and Jimin. I'm so sorry," She sobs.

Yoongi hugs her again and smiles slightly.

"Hey. It's okay now."

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