The Truth Untold | Taehyung

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He had been online friends with her for a year now, (Y/N) had told him personal info trusting him. But Taehyung was afraid if he told her who he really was that things would change. From all their calls to her forcing him to play a game with her to de-stress from finals, he had grown close to her. In fact, he was in love with her. Taehyung knew her love for his group, he worried if he told her that she would change how she acts around him. It was why he would always go away from that topic. They were in a call when his curiosity got the better of him and he just had to know.

"And that asshole kept killing me when he was on my te-" (Y/N) tells before getting cut off.

"Um hey, you like BTS right?" Tae asks.

"Yeah? Why?" She asks confused. He had never wanted to talk about her favorite group before, so the sudden change to this topic made her confused.

"Who do you like in the group?" Taehyung felt his body get nervous, he can't help but wonder why. Is it the thought of her liking another member or what she thought about him as an Idol?

"Well I love all the members but I stan the Maknae line," (Y/N) starts.

"Oh?" He wanted to know more than that.

"Like Jimin is adorable, Jungkook is funny, and Taehyung..." (Y/N) pauses.

Taehyung feels panic at her pause, why did she pause.

"He is my everything. I know it is silly to say but since I really got into the group I felt a connection to him. He's good-looking, sweet, talented, funny and so much more. I'd like to meet him one day and tell him how much he helped me."

Taehyung could feel his face heating up, he knew she was talking about how she saw him as an idol. There is no way she could feel the same for Leo, who he had introduced himself to her as. She made a joke about a thing he said at an interview but she thought it wasn't possible and Taehyung didn't want to tell her the truth. He was afraid that his secret would be told and be taken away. And now he was afraid of losing her, the one girl who he fell for. (Y/N) had snap Taehyung out of his thoughts by turning on her camera.

"Leo, how does this look?" She asks.

She stands in front of him in a crazy outfit, she looked like a mage from a video game.

"You look cute, but where are you going in that?" He asks.

"My d&d group are going to a con next week as our characters," (Y/N) giggles.

Taehyung can't help but stare in awe at her beauty. How could she become so important to her when they never met. She takes off her wig and starts to pout at the camera.

"What's wrong pouty?" He asks.

"I still think it's not fair. You see my face all the time and I never saw yours," She whines.

"Sorry how about if you ever come to Korea we can meet in person," He chuckles.

(Y/N)'s eyes light up and she nods. Right then Taehyung's door opens, someone came in without his permission.

"Hyung-," Jungkook starts.

Taehyung quickly mutes his discord account causing (Y/N) to frown as she stares at her screen. He turns to jungkook who is looking at the girl on the screen.

"Taehyungie, is that the girl you been talking to?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, don't come in here without knocking."

Taehyung opens another app on his computer to hide (Y/N), he hated that another guy's eyes were on her.

"Does she know who you are?" Jungkook asks.

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