Sucked In

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                                Chapter 1
Bella Rhymes was an 18 year old girl from Los Angeles California who had lived with her parents Pau and Renee, younger brother Zach and sister Calya, until the day when Bella was walking around her neighborhood and a portal in the ground had appeared and sucked her into one of her favorite shows The Blacklist where she actually was falling from the sky and fell near her favorite character's apartment. She fell right outside agent Donald Ressler's window where he had seen her fall. Agent Ressler rushed outside and brought her to the hospital where the doctors said she would be in a coma for now and who knew how long because of the impact the fall had on her head. Not knowing how to go about all of this he went to assistant director of the FBI Harold Cooper due to the fact that he had no clue what to call this situation. Once agent Cooper had assessed the situation he had Aram Mojtabai, one of the agents at the blacksite run a search on her by going into her phone. Finding out that her name is Bella Rhymes they ran a search on her through their system and learned that she doesn't exist. Back at the hospital Agent Ressler had decided that he would stay by her side until she had woken up, because of the feeling that he had a connection to her he would go home every night then go to the hospital to make sure she was ok. But in doing so  his routine changed instead of getting ready to go to work and get briefed on his next task he would wake up get ready, then buy red and white roses everyday before going into the hospital to see Bella.

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