The Fear

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                             Chapter 2
After a month of agent Ressler being off Bella woke up from the coma, when she woke up she was panicking since first the last thing she remembered was walking in her neighborhood on her way home from her friend Jake Bellemings and second she was actually terrified of hospitals, since she grew up with a sister who loved horror movies they would watch horror movies very often as kids but they mostly took place in hospitals. Or action thriller  movies that took place in hospitals mostly this fear had made her EKG start to rise and her doctor came in to check on her. Once he made sure she was stable he called agent Ressler to let him know that she was awake and ready to talk, and that she seemed as if she had no idea of where she was. Once he heard this he asked agent Cooper if he could go talk to her to figure out who she is and where she came from, and to figure out if she had any connection to their case. He went to the hospital with the red and white rose as usual, once he made eye contact with her he tried to keep it from happening but he couldn't help himself. He just had to let out the relief that he didn't lose her. He set the roses down and introduced himself, but was interrupted by Bella saying " I know who you are, you don't have to introduce yourself. You're Donald Ressler, one of the best agents in The Blacklist and my favorite character." Confused he asked her suspiciously how she knew him and if she was connected to Raymond Reddington in any way, he ignored the fact that she had just called him a character from a show since he didn't know about how he was a character in a show. Bella first asked for her phone to let her family know she was ok, and to show him all the answers. Once she had her phone in her possession she texted her  sister to tell her she was ok and she was in her favorite show and she sneaked a picture of Ressler into the text as proof.

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