Who You Are

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Chapter 3
Ressler then asked her for the answers in which she showed him the truth of his purpose by going to Netflix and the show The Blacklist once he saw the truth he asked her help on how to solve the cases to test her if she really was telling the truth or if this was the work of a criminal to lure them in by using a teenage girl. But then she did something that he didn't expect. She went to youtube to find an interview video of the actors who play the main characters of the show Megan Boone and Diego Klattenhoff. He watched the video in utter shock and asked her "Ok if this is real and you do watch our "show" why did I become an FBI agent"? She said " You became an FBI agent because your father Bob was a cop and he found out that his partner Tommy Markin shot and killed him because of the fact that he got caught being a dirty cop and your father was going to turn him in. But he didn't get the chance to, you heard Markin on the phone when you were drinking in the car. You went to confront him by breaking into his house with your father's gun and told him to tell you the truth but he wouldn't budge and he approached you telling you that you won't pull the trigger and you did. You called Robby asked to help you, but uhm he didn't just bury Tommy Markin to protect you he killed Markin to protect you as well he ..." " How can Robby do that? When I pulled the trigger I mean I saw him lying there lifeless" said Ressler. " He wasn't actually dead, he was just unconscious" she said. " When Robby was about to get rid of him he woke up and started begging your brother saying how if Robby lets him die you won't be even." So if I were you I would change his name on your phone from trouble to Robby." said Bella. Ressler started to understand and realized that he needed to make things right by turning himself in since Bella also told him about the episode Brother that was where people learned the truth of what happened.

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