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A/N: Hi!! Thank you so much for clicking on my story "Wishes"!

Just to verify, this is in fact a fanfic of Harry Styles from One Direction. He's not by any means famous in my story, he's just like you and me :)

Some of the places named are going to be made up, as I've never been out of my own country. Just keep in mind that this is a fanfic!

There will rather be language and scenes not suitable for a young age. Please don't compare my story to others if it has a relation, so don't freak out on me each time a character says okay because it's a reference to "The Fault In Our Stars."

Also, please comment if you'd like and If you're feeling generous, vote as well!

Okay so I'm done blabbering now! Enjoy the story! *awkwardly waves


Isn't she lovely?
Isn't she wonderful?
Isn't she precious?

Lovely? I don't think so.

Wonderful? Well, I have my days.

Precious? haha nope.

How would I describe myself? Well, I'm nothing extraordinary. My life basically consisted of good grades, reading books and keeping myself hygienic. I have no shame in admitting that I'm a perfectionist, having the constant need to fix things. I was never one to open up to anyone, life is just a lot easier that way. You know? I always told myself, that holding back tears is a lot easier than explaining why you're broken. I never thought of myself as something special, nor did I feel the need to stand out. Somehow, despite all of the traits above, I never knew how to keep my anger inside. I could never keep my mouth shut when it needed to be. I wouldn't describe myself as bitchy, I just said what was needed to be said. Although it was understandable if you knew my parents. My mother wasn't the basic mother. She also had the need to say what she has to, though being really high maintenance. It will be 10pm and you won't, in a million years, catch her without makeup. My dad however, was the carefree kind. Living life to its fullest. They are both complete opposites, but they are somehow married. Don't ask me how.

Well, here I am now. Starting my first year of college. I have been planning my college life for all my school years and it's finally happening. Living in London is really exciting.

Staring down at my newly decorated notepad, (did I mention I have an odd need to decorate everything?) I release a sigh. I'm so anxious to attend college that I couldn't sleep last night, but fully regretting it right now.

I constantly look in the mirror, readjusting the mess I call hair. I groan in annoyance at that piece of hair that's sticking out, pulling my hair out of the ponytail in defeat. It looks quite better this way, my hair making waves.

"Kendra!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. Quickly spraying a bit of perfume on my neck and wrist, I head down.

"Jennifer is going to be here any minute," She walks over to the fridge, grabbing the milk and pouring it into her coffee. "You look nice."

"Thank you, mom." Jennifer was my best friend since I've moved here from Seattle. We met at this cute bakery, both looking for chocolate cupcakes. That's when I knew she was the perfect friend.

As soon as I heard that familiar honk of the car, I rushed out. "We'll be by later to drop off your things." I hear my mother yell before I head outside, closing the front door and heading for the black Audi.

As I enter the car, the warm scent of her perfume filled my nostrils. "Hey Jen." I smile, clicking my seat belt.

I look over at her as she applies a coat of lipstick. "Hey. You look pretty today, love." Her British accent strong.

I always envied people with a British accent. I find it so beautiful, although, living in London for two years has rubbed off on me. I had a hint of British in my American accent.

Oh well, I'll take what I can get.

"Thanks Jen, you too." I smile, turning on the radio...

I'm not a girl..
Not yet a woman..
All I need is time..
A moment that is mine..
While I'm in between.

Wow. Britney Spears is amazing in this song.. and it describes how I feel as well.

"Soo.. you ready for your first day?" Jen asks, lowering the volume. She has been attending college for two years now and this year is her last.

"I think so. I'm just nervous to see who I'm going to be sharing a room with." I answer honestly. The thought of sharing a room with someone that I don't like, and putting up with her for a whole year.. its just a no-no.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." She assures me, resting her hand on mine and lightly shaking it.

The knot in my stomach becomes even bigger as we near the big building. Through the gates, I can see the huge group of people walking around. "I'm going to be sick." I tell her as she laughs.

"London University." It reads as I nervously bite my lip, my heart rate picking up.

This is It.

A/N: Hope you like it so far! If you have any suggestions please let me know?

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