Add your character! + Info

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Hey my little hatchlings! New story, I know, but hey. Can't help it when I feel inspired. Now onto business!

So for this story I'm giving everyone the chance to add their own character to this story since I want to be more involved with you guys so here's what you guys need to have for your character.



Social Class:

Magic (if any):


Basic Apperance:




And if you want to be paired with anyone then you can. Just let me know who you want and I'll let you know if they're avaliabe or not.

So yeah. If you want to add your character then just follow the guidelines above and if you have anything to add to your character through out the story or want to make a request then just comment.

Now for the couple's that'll be in this story!

Ritchie x Devin

Brandon x Lucas

Still trying to decided on the other ships.

That'll be all for today. (Maybe. . .. If I get hit with the motivation I'll probably do chapter 1.) I hope you all have a good day/night.

Bye my little hatchlings!


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