Chapter 7: Harassed

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Ritchie's POV

After the whole fiasco at breakfast with Francesca, everyone decided to give Brandon and Lucas a bit of time to themselves. Which I happily did, since they seem to have a few things to talk about. I made plans with David, to hang out with him and walk around the kingdom later today so I decided to arrive there early and wait for him. I got dressed and started to head towards the kingdom. I didn't really want to take a carriage since it was a nice day. I also had my ears, horns, and tail out since they were uncomfortable to keep hidden. I have no idea how Brandon hides them so often and so long. It's annoying. I arrived in the general area of where I was supposed to meet David. I had about an hour to kill before we had to meet so I walked around. A couple of people stopped to say hello to me and ask I was doing. One thing I love about my kingdom was the people. Almost all were kind to my family, especially when we overthrew our father from the throne. They love Brandon as their king. Wonder how they'll react to Lucas being the new Queen since they all hated Francesca. I soon heard some yelling coming from a nearby alley. Slightly curious, I went over to investage. I dodged passed some people to get there and as I did, the yelling got louder, though one voice was trying to stay calm. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Why?! Because I put that thing in its place?!" What the-? When I got to entrance, I was shocked to see what I saw. There was a female cat hybrid on the ground with a female human next to her, while a small guy stood in front on them as a guard glared at them both.

"She is not an it. She is a human being that doesn't deserve to be treated like some animal," the small guy stated, calmly. "You should apologize to her." The guard walked right up to him and was about two feet taller than him as he looked down at the smaller male, who shrunk back a bit.

" The guard walked right up to him and was about two feet taller than him as he looked down at the smaller male, who shrunk back a bit

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"And if I don't? What are you gonna do about it stupid Omega?"

"I-I. . .," he stuttered out.

"Maybe if you do something for me, I'll apologize. Say like, come to my place later tonight," the guard said, starting to touch the male. The smaller male looked at him scared and very comfortable. He then threw him to the wall, pinning him there. "Or I could always arret you for assaulting a guard." The male looked at him terrifed. I couldn't believe this. One of our guards, harassing a hybrid and sexually assaulting someone trying to defend them? I won't stand for this.

I marched right but to the guard and asked, "What is the meaning of this?!" The guard to face me and his face went pale the moment he saw me, letting go of the smaller male.

"N-Nothing sir! Just taking care of some business," he responded back, panicking a bit.

"Oh really?" I looked at the male and asked, "Was he bothering you?"

"W-Well, h-he umm. . .." He looked around, avoiding my eyes as he fidgeted with his hands. I raised an eyebrow at him.

He quickly shook his head, saying, "N-No. E-Everything is fine."

"Bullsh!t Devin!" the female cat hybrid yelled, helping the hybrid up.

"He was assaulting Jamsine and was sexually assaulting you! He was gonna rape you!"

"That is not true!" the guard yelled. He looked at the small male, who im guessing is Devin, and he said, "Was I gonna rape you?" Devin looked down, messing with his sleeves. He mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't hear.

"Can you speak up, please?" I asked. He looked up, glancing at the guard terrifed. I gently patted his head causing him to tense up and freeze. "Hey, it'll be okay. I won't let him do anything to you, but I need you to tell me everything otherwise, I can't help. Understand?" He slowly nodded, relaxing a bit. "Good, now did he make you feel like you were in danger?"

He nodded softly, quietly saying, "I-I th-though h-he w-was g-gonna r-rape m-me. . .."

"I wasn't you stupid rat!" the guard yelled walking up to us. Devin quickly hide behind me.

I glared at the guard, who was right in front of me, and said, "That's close enough. Take another step, and I'll be force to hurt you."

"He's spreading lies about me! He should be taught a lesson!" He reached out towards Devin so I quickly grabbed his arm and glared at him.

"I watched everything. You were planning on raping him. If anyone should be taught a lesson, it's you." I twisted his arm a bit, making him fall to his knees wincing in pain. "Now I suggest you apologise to all of them, before you regret it." He glared at me so I twisted his arm even more. Before I could do anything, my arm was grabbed and I saw Devin looking at me.

"C-Calm down. Y-You don't have to hurt him," he said with tears in his eyes. I paused for a moment before sighing and let the guard go.

I glared at the guard and growled, "Get lost!" The guard ran away as I growled softly.

"T-Thank y-you. . .." I turned around and saw the small human standing right behind me.

"Of course. He shouldn't have touched you that way."

"W-Who a-are y-you. . .?"

"I am Prince Ritchie Diablous." His eyes widen in fear as he quickly bowed.

"F-Forgive m-me y-your h-highness! I-I-!"

"Please, there is no need for that. Just as long as you and your friends are alright."

The female squirm hybrid walked up to me and said, "Thank you for your help sir. I'm Kit, this is Devin, and that's Laura." Laura waved.


"It's a pleasure to meet you guys. I'm glad I could be some help."

"Let us repay you!" Laura said, happily.

"Really there's no need to."

"We insist," Isla said, grabbing my arm. I was soon dragged by the two females as Devin followed us.

"G-Guys, h-he d-doesn't h-have t-to c-come i-if h-he d-doesn't w-want t-to."

"Come on Devin! Live a little!"

'What the hell did I get myself into?'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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