Keys and Viles

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Sans laid on what seemed to be the floor of the pitch black abyss, but it was hard to tell. He listened to the quite humming Frisk and Chara, while Asriel laid next to Sans.
The sudden feeling of falling made the four of them look around confused. Sure enough, they were falling and fast. Asriel grabbed Frisk while Chara held onto Sans.
Sans and Asriel reached out for each other, but something pulled them away from each other. "Sans! Chara!" Was the last thing anyone heard before the coundn't see anyone, but who they were with.
Sans held onto Chara, tightly, not wanting to get seprated from her too. Chara did the same. The two were gentally placed on the floor. "Are you okay?" Sans asked as he pulled away.
"Yeah." The child stood up, Sans following.
"Huh? Since when have you been taller than me? We've always been the same hight." Chara looked down at him as he spoke. "You just look older in general."
"Im not sure, Sans. It may be something about the world we are in? This is clearly not our world." Chara looked aeound a bit.
They were in the middle of a dirt road, leading into a town. Chara looked back at Sans. "Hey whats that around your neck?"
Sans touched hus neck. "String?" He pulled out something attacted to the string from under his shirt, taking it off so they could get a better look at it. "A key?"

 "A key?"

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hara took the key from Sans. "I guess I'll hold onto it for now. We may need it later." They put it in their pocket and grabbed Sans arm.
"Wait! This is the surfae world. We dont kmow how they'll react to a monster.
"You two arent from here are you?" Some lady said from be hind them. "Here take this. It will make you look human for a week, before it wheres of. Thats what I've been using." The lady handed them a bag. "One vile a week will do."
"Um thanks, but why are you helping us?" Sans ask, wary of the old lady in front of them.
"Because. Im not from this universe either, but I've been her long enough to know my way around. You will need it."
The two looked at each other, then back at the old lady, but she was gone. Chara looked back at Sans to see him opening one of the viles. "What? No! Dont drink it!" She tried to take it from him, but it was too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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