5. David

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I despise Alex. As if he wasn't enough of a menace in my life already, now he had created problems even before I could put my plan in motion.

Janice liked him. I can't guess what she sees in him, especially when I am the alternative. Since day one, Janice had done nothing but ignored me and pushed me away, and now I know why. It was that bastard's fault.

Nevertheless, I will have her one way or the other.

When we had left Janice to do her duties: taking care of Melissa, Reed had immediately rounded on me and warned me not to do anything stupid.

Asshole, who does he think he is to order me around like that!

Anyway, he is just a temporary hurdle. Now that Janice will be staying in my house, there will be enough chances for me to make her forget about Reed and fall for me.

Reaching home, I call up my parents and tell them the good news: Melissa was coming home.

Overjoyed, my parents offer to stay and help, but I refuse them. They will merely be in my way anyway. I wish I could ask them to keep the children with them, leaving me alone with Janice, but the only reason Reed had agreed to let Melissa come home was on the condition that the kids get to be with her.

"They haven't been to see Mel for four days, David. They must miss her, and I am sure she misses them." Reed had said when I had offered to take Melissa home and asked for Janice to accompany her, to take care of my wife's needs.

Ahhh, Janice, love, the only needs you will be taking care of will be mine. That delicate, supple, youthful body will be mine to do as I please soon. Very soon.

The doorbell rings, and I hurry over to welcome Janice home, so imagine my disappointment when I open the door and come face to face with Reed. I look around, but it's only him standing at my door with pursed lips.

I plaster a fake smile on my face. "Reed, I wasn't expecting you. Where is Janice?"

His brows crease and eyes narrow suspiciously, and I add, "I was under the impression that she will be the one accompanying Melissa home."

He sighs and peers inside, "Are the kids back?" and pushes me aside to enter my home uninvited.

He always does this. He thinks it's his home just because he grew up here with Melissa. That bitch never stopped him either. She should have.

"No, they will be here in a few," I reply and watch him down a bottle of water.
If would have known earlier, I would have poisoned it. I wish I had gotten rid of Reed when I had done away with Melissa's parents.

Reed makes himself comfortable on his spot: the seat next to the tea-table adjacent to the window and gestures me to take a seat.

If I could strangle him and get away with it, I would. Alas, he is too well connected.

I take my place in front of him, and he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "David, you know Mel loves you, right?" He asks, holding my gaze; I nod and try to look offended, "You may think that I am a jerk for not taking care of her better, but believe me, no one hates what happened to her more than I do. She is the love of my life. She is my anchor, my everything." I try my best to sound sincere. The bugger had lost trust me when the Linda incident had happened, and since then, it had gotten harder and harder to convince him of my love for Melissa.

His eyes glaze over, and a moment later, a tear rolls down his cheek.

What the fuck!?

"David, did you really see Mel move her fingers when Janice was tending to her?" He asks desperately. Even a blind man can see that he is in love with her.

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