No More Normal

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Isn't it funny how every detail of your life can be altered in mere seconds? In the blink of an eye worlds can be flipped upside down.

She could feel the music pulsating in her ears and drowning out the words of her mother. "Kylie." Her mother echoed from down stairs. "Kylie!"

This ripped Kylie from her thoughts. She quickly checked the time. 7:45 pm. She then jumped and leaped down the stairs, her long, brown hair flowing behind her.

"There you are." Her mother sighed. "We have to leave in 5 minutes. You have all your stuff together?"

Kylie and her friends decided to embark on the school trip to Sacramento, California. It would be a week long with them leaving New York tonight, and arriving at the crack of dawn the next morning.

"Yeah I should have everything." Kylie reassured.

And with that they closed the door of their quaint apartment and normal life for the last time.

The highway was bustling as Kylie and her mom cruised their way to the airport. "Now make sure you stay with your friends and be safe." Her mom cautioned. "I love you."

Just as they were making the turn to pull into the airport, something huge slammed into the driver side of the car, sending Kylie flying into the dash, scraping against surfaces she didn't even know existed. From a gash in the side of the 18 wheeler that had rammed them, a clear, blue liquid seeped into the car with Kylie and her mother, filling it up almost to their shoulders.

"Kylie." She heard her name echo faintly. Through her half open eyes she could see a blurred figure standing over her. It was as if she had been awoken from a trance.

Thoughts suddenly raced through her mind all at once. The crash. Being nearly immersed in a strange liquid that made her cuts and scrapes burn like they were on fire. Being rescued by a mysterious crew. Vague missions she couldn't clearly recall. Her mom.

Kylie shot up like a rocket and gasped. "M-my mom where is she?" She screamed scanning the room frantically. Several nurses rushed in to stabilize her. "Where am I?" she fought once more. "How long has it been?"

"Here in our Hydra infirmary." A woman snapped in a thick accent. "You have been our weapon of war for almost a year." From the sound of it, Kylie could only guess the woman was German. The room was bleak white and smelled strongly of chemicals she was unfamiliar with, and they stung her nose. "Where is my mother?" Kylie asked intently. She could feel the anger boiling in her blood. When the woman didn't answer Kylie held her gaze. "Where is she?"

Silence hung in the air.

"She died." a nurse shyly interjected.

Kylie could feel her heart shatter into a million fragments. Blue matter began erupting from her hands and Kylie, without hesitation, launched it forcefully at the woman, hurling her to the back wall. She sent objects flying across the hospital room, annihilating anyone in their destructive path. Kylie stared at her hands and the people now lying dead in the room around her in disbelief, trembling with fear.

Eerie footsteps lingered into the doorway. A team of several incredible individuals, whom Kylie recognized to be the infamous Avengers, now loomed before her. In that moment, she felt tiny and afraid.

"You just killed five people in about 45 seconds. What do you have to say for yourself?"

a man barked,

"Oops?" Kylie answered nervously, as she sent yet another powerful blast, blowing the team off their feet.

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