Iker Casillas

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Kate's POV

Oh, here we go again. I ran to the nearest bathroom or should I say to the nearest place where I can vomit. I swear, I have a phobia of vomit. This was like the fourth time I vomited today. This has been going on for a couple of days.
Oh my goodness, can it be? I haven't had my period yet and it was supposed to come a couple of days ago. No. This can't be happening. I haven't been able to eat for days becuase I'll vomit later. Maybe I'm sick or my stomach is really weak and it cannot hold in the food. I mean I'm old enough to have a child and I'm married to Iker so it's not terrible thing. I just wanted to wait a little longer. I should probably get a pregnancy done. I went to the nearest pharmacy.


Alright, so I didn't vomit on my way to the store nor did I vomit when I was coming home. I'm pretty proud of myself. It's honestly a new record. Okay so I just pee on the stick and wait for the results. Seems simple yet life changing. After I peed, I could not help but hyperventilate. Walking back and forth and stopping at the mirror each time I walked by and touching my stomach for a little fetus is what the time while I waited consisted of. My timer rung indicating the test results. I ran to the test. It said positive. Oh my, I'm going to be a mother. This is actually great. Though, I wonder how Iker will act. Will he be excited? Upset? Mad? These questions ran through my mind. I decided not to get that past me. I bursted into tears. They were tears of joy. I got to my bed and layed down. I was laughing hysterically. Then I though about when the baby was made.


"Iker, I had such a lovely time with you at this beach. We have been here the whole day, so can we please go home now?" I was very tired from surfing and hanging around in the water.
"Sure, babe." Iker said. I guess you could say he is a little horny because he was very touchy with me. We got out things and headed to the car. We held hands and the whole way there, never even moving them away from each other. He seemed to speed going home.
"I don't feel like taking shower alone. You know, to save water. Also, I'm more of in the mood to take a bath." Iker said winking at me. I played along at his little scheme.
"Oh yeah, we could definitely save some water and taking a bath sounds perfect to me." I nodded while smiling. I knew exactly what he wanted to do. And though I am really tired, I do not have the audacity to say no to Iker. When we went up to the washroom, he quickly turned the water on while I grabbed the bubbles. Then we both began undressing each other while kissing each other. I think he'll be the dominant one today. We made sweet love. Everytime he entered me, I moaned but that made him try harder. I loved every bit of it. Once our bath was done, we layed in bed and I fell asleep in his arms. It was so nice and relaxing.

||End of Flashback||

I smiled at the memory. It was one of the best moments Iker and I had so far. At least the baby was made with pleasure. What should I do to tell Iker we're having a baby? I guess I could make a delightful dinner and then eat it outside in the garden.


"Hey amor." I said. "Go get changed and meet me at the garden." I pecked Iker on the lips and he rushed upstairs. I walked down to the garden to see if everything was fine. Then I poured water into glasses when Iker came. I smiled and I grabbed his hand and together we walked to the table. I had this cheeky smile on my face and Iker kept looking at me with suspicion. He also notice we were drinking water instead of wine.
"Kate, why are drinking water? You never say no to wine. And why are you smiling? It's beautiful but no offense, this is getting weird." Iker questioned me.
"Well Iker, I took a pregnancy test," Iker already knew where this was going. "and we're going to have a baby!" Iker dropped his mouth and tears were starting to fill his eyes. He got from his seat and hugged me tightly and I hugged back.
"Kate, I happiest man in the world right now! Thank you so much for this, I love you so much!"
"I'm just glad you're so happy about this."
"Why wouldn't I? I've been wanting to make family and this is an excellent start."
"That's great. I don't know about you, but I remember the night exactly when this baby was made." I smirked.
"Oh that night was magical. Why don't we recreate the night?"
"I'm right behind you."

To the lovely kw1479 I'm so sorry this took such a long time, but I hope you like it!

So Erik Durm might have a girlfriend which I'm so bummed about because he's my second baby face. But if he's really happy then I'm happy.
I just got a blood test done on Friday which hurt btw. Then I went to see Milky Chance and if you don't know them, look them up please. They're amazing. The whole time I was dizzy but it was totally worth it.
I have two fanfic ideas and I really want to know if you guys are willing to read it. I don't want to write something if no one is going to read it. So please comment whether or not I should write a fanfic.
Have a wonderful day. ❤️

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